during part of Florentine
But look here-demented Vargas! That just does not understand even if a saw is reborn in a civilized country! It 'a madman, does not even pass a two-meter! If he is worth 13 million euros believe that there is a crisis, with these prices!
-Okay 'by CIAP, so that it does not suck .. He needs time to acclimate ..
-Fri way stupid! From August until now had also set a trout at the port of Livorno! What if I am on the road ..
-You what?
-.. I. .. But
-stop, that we're all good to talk, but then .. look what I accidentally in your pocket ..

-Lo I knew you'd found out sooner or later, you can not really hide anything Candlewick! 'S why I always carry this picture I took a glimpse at a bar, so I can draw attention away from me ..

-I knew it, go to trust men ..
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