there are spoilers.
Now in its sixth episode, the series continues in setting Mephistophelian Riddler dell'inscenata of deception, conspiracy and revenge plots that taste of revenge against his rancorous (lost) life and death (of others). Saw VI, in view dell'ecatombe traveling to play games as well as providing the final (?) Closure plan of the great strategist John Kramer (an increasingly apathetic Tobin Bell), denotes a minimal contradictory on several occasions in modus operandi for the implementation of an end, however, clear and well defined contours, the now universal "cherish your life " take care of their life, repeated ad nauseam with almost patronizing to our anti-hero. Not without leaving room for the fulfillment of his repressed sadism ( Vengeance changes in person - Saw V ). In these respects, psychology the killer is well desumile and conforms with the logic and the many aspects of the sub script earlier, that you can not browse.
With Saw 3 of Darren Lynn Bousman is the episode that brings in the most member immortality (ideological) of his protagonist. Why, the winning of this great brand, unlike any other boring series, you have known the matter by the main character in the middle of occasions. Its essence lies in the series. Have made it just an idea that comes to life circumscribes walls, houses, rooms and dirty thoughts. It can be anywhere and keep a life lesson, destroy it, help you, destroy you. Change, however.
idea that has been passed in the vicar's vicar, to be obedient disciples amandiane fragile, that encourage trainees to Judas to betray - and here is relevant to the increasingly obvious matrix Christology in the series -. From the countless covers of the sixth chapter can read a well-defined 'Trust in him' . And in this incredible episode, the desire to judge the ultimate decision maker and ask to have their say on any human life and established the finiteness of his tricks if related to the wretchedness of the plan in its entirety - inappropriate in most cases - with the designer fully aware of the marginalization of his work. But only to honor all the way with its remedial mechanisms, ready to provide keys to salvation (real ones) to those who really are his family. The film uses a script well thought that corroborates this. "What I learned from all this?" What? " After escaping a poor victim is asked in the opening sequences. All this ends up exposing his human character representing one of the countless sfaccettautre that alternate with the figure of divination and oracoliana slowly, piece by piece, has emerged, episode after episode, everything converges in a unity (and mysticism ) background with intent, traps, rules, decalogue of good behavior that converges in a moralistic flavor of retaliation and revenge toward life together with the dispensation of justice. His law, questionable, like any other. Dura lex, sed lex .
In the apparent inconsistency of the whole, there is the ricompisizione a coherence of ideas and actions for the rehabilitation of the unfortunate patients ready to look shocked there for better or for worse. His - Machiavellian - therapy that relates to people who have demonstrated inconsistent behavior, despicable, devious than ordinary care. But all treatments have failed and this is always room for does not seem to be immune.
On the technical front, directed by Kevin Greutert gets rid of the cobwebs bousmaniane sending the devil's tricks and sped up footage, a pace more staid, more in line with the reality of weak a miserable office insurance. The photograph then opt for neutral colors and leaves the saturation that did the lion's share in the first four. The master detective anchor to a reality where all FBI investigations take place between the warmth of light colors, almost faded, left to themselves. Once recruited via television or reality ( Tanedra Howard) is alternate with ambiguous personality (Betsy Russell ) ended up forming a strange hybrid criptotelevisivo, perhaps intended to balance the demands they want future episodes for the market for home video, where the results at the box office turn out to be bloodless . The help of the omniscient flashbacks - also here - intimate confines touches of poetry that, for some brief but intense moments they savor the atmosphere, and breathe nebulous shades of that masterpiece of brutality, that vortex of black ominous fate, - the supreme ; symbol of the inability of being able to overcome their own mistakes - that was the Saw III Darren Lynn Bousman of .
The other element that makes Saw VI the best episode of the second trilogy, is the show slowly progressive dethronement of a pawn - Detective Hoffman - finished in a plot much larger than him and therefore unable to develop, evaluate, to shoulder the burden of inheritance on his bones ever read. The irresolution of his actions leads to un'impulsività substance which dulls the brain, and jaw muscles and leads to despair absolute and sacrilegious acts. It comes out the portrait of a loser to which the ever so good Costas Mandylor gives face (disfigured), tonnage and anxieties of mind that prelude to the possible unmasking. The king (?) Is naked. But once you turn the page and the action leaves no breathing.
A lot irons in the fire. Fans of gore will then jump with joy seeing carp with double screw acids dissolved in the face, shot, self-mutilation, guts, carousels horror and amusement parks. This element, in my opinion, is the least compelling factor in the series, the last to go through. Saw VI is the chapter that absolutizes concepts of the franchise, making the figure closer Jigsaw to that of a great puppeteer (Billy, the puppet master) willing to sacrifice human lives, going against his principles, even away from the lethargy of those who has never fully drawn to the existence magnanimous set before him, damaging and ending with the 'increasingly ostracize the lives of others. And above all, the alter ego of IE was John Kramer.
" E 'the will of John ", you hear a voice marked by calm but determined.
His will be done.
Review Salvatore Mennea