Jennifer's Body is not a bad movie. It 's a superficial attempt at avant-garde protocinema that - due to insecurity in their abilities - play the card of the extravagant language and subversive having absolutely no control and media management, technical (enough) and acting (a few). Each single cue worthy of appreciation potential is not cultivated but left to die in agony. It took two women ( Karyn Kusama and Diablo Cody ) to form a film absurdly anonymous in the many aspects that could be undertaken, but the yield of the facts are relegated to the canton, in the slums of ' starvation of thought. What the residual, as I pulled to the surface after the sciaquone, is the beauty of the two protagonists. Factor and tasty side dish that can be considered only if additional work is waiting for perfect or almost on all fronts. And to think that even the minimum target is failed: we are unable even to demarcate the antithesis between the (presumed) clumsiness Eyewear Needy (Amanda Seyfried ) and the beauty of Jennifer (Megan Fox ). The shy director is unable to shake off the tired mannerisms that frustrates any attempt to create a charming divertissement drive-in.
plurichiacchierato The character of Jennifer, as well as bring along the spectrum of the usual femme fatale structured browsing the monthly supplement of Men's Health, incorporates mime of provocative expressions of the historical Michela Miti in the films of Peter (against all strikes again). Unattainable, cynical (?), Fearful at times of panic, his characterization is abruptly interrupted in the abrupt transition woman - demon. From here, the scenery becomes pregnant by a number of deaths leaving space for introspective assessments Amanda Seyfried, little lady with the failure to Fletcher put his nose everywhere in order to save a friendship, and - later - a love. And Body of Jennifer settles the best shots when the free field and guerrilla shit you get rid - at intervals alternate - Megan Fox a parody of herself that most fell in the role of cheerleader eater.
Charter of friendship that is managed more intelligently, it could drip emotions. But it does not exceed the embryonic stage of love-hate children - youth, yin and yang, without being able to zap the emotions of the viewer. Screenwriter Diablo Cody is undecided on the transfer of well-defined imprint of its anthropomorphic creature. And to say that the subject was not to be thrown away, as well as some sequences, see the pre-final in the water, which - although the offering to pay Wicked Lake of Zack Passero - well worth a 'look.
The film throws a lifeline When, again patterns and blocks that are already tested in the 80's cult movie Heathers of Michael Lehmann, perhaps adorned with quell'aureola retroguosto from the eighties that is part of a 'horror output on three recently produced. But I do not want to just rehash the past wearily, already worn by running dictates, if it lacks the support of something personal and, if not refined and smoothed the story andandone to treat each piece. There is no feminist subtext, no desire to exploit the female body (turn on the TV about Italy will be a more satisfying for those who are assiduous googlatore of 'tits and ass and hot women') and any kind of cynicism to make a corollary to the story of this demon in heat trying to rip her boyfriend to his ex-best friend. Missing every single shred of personality (positive or negative) just because the minds of women in labor, in addition to a history of frivolous and content foolishly extravagant reel of all the indecipherable indecision.
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