I would like to propose an article to The tangy Branca on fashion (Who are they?), But this morning, as usual browsing through the online newspapers, I found an interesting article by Marco Travaglio. What surprise does not deal with alone, the misdeeds of the Sultan of Arcore. The pitiless pen of journalist with aspirations to be guru whip this time, in fact, the world of celluloid. Not because of the boycott by raiset the trailer of "Sivle forever, the unauthorized biography of Silvio Berlusconi" in room (???) from 26 March. This time Labor is responsible for a pearl of our film, the trilogy of "My Friends". Who will soon become tetralogy, if we're lucky, a series if it goes bad. It appears the upcoming theatrical release of "my friends, how it all started," directed by blacks family. What is the eponymous registucolo pecoreccio accustomed to more stringent that infect native with thirty years around the world and compassionate fantozzi sequel, it's really him. And he is always to respond, piqued, the columns of the "Corriere della Sera" to all who have criticized his film, even threatening a boycott of the rooms and jobs for the operation to perish in the bud. "Before you criticize something, you see it", sentenced the filmmaker. As far as I am repeating supercazzola this (just to stay on) when I criticize a movie trailer, a book by its cover, a song who sings it? Often enough to have done several times a step back to try such a thing. I read "Twilight" shortly before it became a social-cultural phenomenon for people fell from the chair at an early age. I went to see "Matrix 2" with the best of intentions, staying in the room when, after the first 20 minutes, the brain whispered to me "I'll wait outside." I tried, really, to find something valuable in excruciating howled Giusy Ferreri and songs from the oratory of the paper mark. Without proof, with all good will, "twilight" has been a crazy saga, venerated only by those who believe that the wachoscky be refined postmodern philosophers and artists, the winners of reality shows in the round. That's why, for several years now, I shrug when I was criticized for "not being able to criticize something without trying it first." It can be all right, and indeed it should. Not for the work itself, but what's behind it. Starting with the intellectual dishonesty. The sequel-prequel to "My Friends", set in Florence in '400, is one example among many, the goal is not in fact pay homage to some of our greatest artists to make do with what is there, but a desperate attempt to fill gaps in the supposed case. The cinepanettoni has recently been conspicuous bleeding viewers, in favor of neo-comedy (CCIA) of zalone, the Albanians of aldogiovanni & James, seemingly more committed. Inevitable that our own producers seek other ideas, with an eye to the past to balance the budget by attracting potential viewer works with pandering, promoted drum beater. Proving not to have learned nothing of the lessons already imparted sound with a sequel to "eccezziunale really" and "the coach in football. People will say, going abroad, look how many sequels and remakes Hollywood produces for the sole purpose of raking money. True. But in America there is also space to David Lynch and John Landis. We arrive in the room only "works from the safe and immediate return on investment." To quote a press release from a couple of years ago, outlining the new guidelines of the distribution. And as long as the works themselves are not unpleasant to the upper floors. Otherwise, make the end of "Agora", "Videocracy" and the same "silvio forever", for distribution limbo to make way for comedians and escaped from the zelig cinefumettoni made in America, that propinano remained a serious gym with brass knuckles and dylan dog aims cowboy. Film to be viewed before being criticized: "can not be shit just because it's so, "many say. Next time I will invite them to emulate Daniele Luttazzi, when he ate with pleasure an asshole, how can they say that sucks, if you have never tried?
-Link of the Day: http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2011/03/10/amici-vostrila-triste-finedella-supercazzola/96402/
- Quote of the Day: "In judging a wine is not necessary to drink the whole barrel." (J. Swift)
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