Teletext Page 140 rai, "From Italy". Fourth news, just below the new chapters of the weapon of mass distraction of the moment (the murder of Scazzi will, for the distracted) and almost equal with the garbage emergency in Terzigno (but was not over?) "Arrested michelle hunziker stalker. " The cathode-ray free world rejoices, my brow furrows. Again? But there had already arrested some months ago? A google quickly confirms that, despite the age, my memory still works quite well, the worthy "Fireman of the evening" makes me know that the situation is even more compessa than I imagined. It appears that the former Mrs. ramazzotti is the preferred target of virtually any human male will make eye contact:
At which point the life of this virginal girl is threatened by a plethora of horny that, in an escalation of lyricism, he claims to feel his unnecessary law on stalking strongly supported by the equally useless Minister Mara Carfagna too many opportunities. That prior to swallowing the evidence, reaching the ministerial seat which now occupies, was the hunziker colleague.
What's up, Bobby sbertuccia victims to defend the stalker, so called because, as is known, use the terms Inglese is very cool and more people understand a little less ? Not at all, are and remain with the idea that certain individuals, including even put the pedophiles, the only effective treatment is castration, not necessarily chemistry. I know, is very like the League idea, but even a broken clock tells the time right twice a day. Unless it is one of those digital as Gasparri. So no, no defense for sex offenders. But capiamoci the term. And let's priorities. Did not take long, in fact, to believe that several copies of my sex gets too much attention towards a woman who has the charm, and the reflected light of his marriage ended now *, much of its current success. I find it difficult, however, think that the rest of the show, and not only Italian, has nothing to do with people like that. Both sexes. Because, even though we like to think otherwise, there are well loosen in a skirt, those ready to commit suicide if the biNbominKia just released by the X factor of the moment refused to smile. Or those who, years ago, less than you think, swarming in Manchester from all over Europe pitch their tents in the home of Take That. It was not just teenage hormones raging. So perhaps the phenomenon is much more varied and complex than they think the company rewarded carfagna-hunziker-company, with the first in the small clothes dell'Erin Noantri Brockovich. As such, therefore, scope to deal with half marks its peers and make every lascivious wink a domestic case, thanks to the press complicit, after all, everyone does what he can to be talked about. Also use his daughter as a human shield for the paparazzi in passing, or to have the two pages monthly magazines gossippare so dear to the home of Voghera. Those who might be outraged by the maniacs that plague their girlfriend cathodic rejoice when they are arrested and tear their clothes in case of an acquittal ... but said nothing of neighboring if the husband when he returns home at night, filling the barrel. Or, and is the worst case, they do not dare to rebel against the first abusive husband, children thugs to bully guy. 'Cause I'm like that, you must understand, not condemn them. And if, stoves of the violence seen or experienced, daring to lift his head and denounce ... eh well, but it was really the case? The dirty laundry is best to wash them at home. And if the situation has reached this point, maybe some blame the victim also has it, he deserved some punch. Not like michelle. She is so sweet, dear, good. See how it goes well, topless.
-Link of the Day: this explains why the law on stalking is a red thrush:
http://www.laveracronaca.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article & id = 519: stalking-the-law-who-helps-the-lawyers & catid = 1: last = 29 & Itemid But we are indulgent, from carfregna you could not wait any longer.
-Quote of the Day: "When you come back home to your wife, always by a slap. You do not know why, but she did." (Italian proverb popular, both because we like to be consistent.)
* I remember now that, in an old interview on "TV smiles and cocks" (I think), the hunziker told the journalist he had known minogue " because it followed him everywhere like a shadow, and he finally noticed me. " Stalking!
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