And here we go again. A little 'late to the roadmap, and ensure a post about a week, but so much so, the commitments are those that are time as well, and the second is rarely sufficient to deal with first. However, in the coming days the situation should change drastically. The better. As I mentioned some time ago, in fact, I had to undergo some tests to determine whether certain types of ailments that afflict me a bit 'of time now they had a physical or were caused by external causes. In the words of Corrado Guzzanti, "the second you said," as indeed he had imagined someone (hello, Sophie !^^). Which means, in a nutshell, I'll have to get rid of all those activities that make me rotten blood as soon as possible, before making the end of Bill Foster. Perhaps before I could afford it, allow me also to be stupidly self-destructive, not today, because my responsibility to those that I care really, those I love, also pass from the care of myself. Trivial concept, but if my wonderful girlfriend I had not pointed out in several ways and on several occasions, perhaps I would not have come alone. This is what happens to grow with the myth of the heroes hard & pure, committed to self sacrifice. So, hang in the coming days a lot 'of things to the nail, and I'll pull down a lot of others I had put there almost without realizing it. Including the time to devote to my novels and stories, still by far too long. This could be, almost certainly, one of the causes of the problem, because writing has always been one of my vent valves. And these days, I found reason to vent a lot. One in particular. A few days ago, in fact, I went with his partner in above to the presentation of a book focusing on the Italian prison life. Or rather, on what passes for "life" in dilapidated structures, overcrowded and terribly inadequate, where the number of deaths this year alone, is 127 inmates. Including 47 suicides. The others have gone into the realm of more because of unspecified "incidents". And are given in September, these. Now, that justice in Italy is not something on which functions more or less all authors and participants of the meeting, we agreed. But then you go to analyze the reasons, and here your Bobby pulls up a hornet's nest of those who only he can unleash. How does it do? Simply by observing, or trying to observe, that the legal system Italian does not work for one simple reason: because that makes the laws are criminals, some with past judgments already final, then definitively convicted (perhaps to attack a public official, such as the innards of the Minister Maroni, what if he's not glorify the police the snaps at the calf), who study the legal mess thesis to avoid condemnation to themselves at the expense of the unfortunate by insufficient income to secure a Mavala Ghedini. So that ends up being a stick or burn a DVD is worse than a crack on the street bank that sends thousands of small savers. And when the law on class action, no longer put off, is finally launched, it is so cumbersome as to be almost useless, since even retroactively. Tanzi thank all ages, the audience is lifted, because, as he wants to let me know a well-dressed lady, "if justice does not work in Italy is not the fault of politics, but of the judiciary." Choirs from Auditorio assendo, while my jaw drops to the ground, nearly killing my wife, no less shocked. And so on to rattle off the misdeeds of the judges of "clean hands", i am sick of involvement to seek TV fame in caring about human life, weaves some of the praise and Enzo Tortora Gabriele Cagliari, innocent victims of a brutal justice. The second I also agree on first, self-confessed tangentaro, definitely not, however, the true worth remembering that in Italy there is a little thing called "mandatory prosecution" and that perhaps are much more inhuman certain processes carried out in the living rooms TV in favor of cameras on the basis of allegations and suspicions which may, as yes, destroy the lives of people not looking for fame and notoriety. But it seems to understand something beyond the ability of anyone, even the same speakers, who still do not feel quite foolish on my speech. The rest is a paean to criticism of the judiciary and its victims, of course those famous celebrities and victims of a ferocious tenacity judiciary, I'd pull A new stones when, inevitably, it turns out for "pedophilia." Why suddenly the charitable ladies of both sexes, which until then recited psalms and biblical aphorisms of their Lord Jesus (really!), they become ruthless beasts, being pedophiles unforgivable, beyond any possible redemption, which instead should be given all other detainees. So, with pedophile priests, with the omission and intimidating attitude of the Vatican-ano, as you may be asking, dear sir? I would like to ask, but there is not time. The presentation is over, and we go quite bitter, aware once again that the lobotomy CRT continues with very good results on the Italian medium. A day wasted and detrimental to my already tried the nervous system? Not at all, apart from those few hours, things went wonderfully, and could not be otherwise. And yet those two hours I came up with something useful. Or rather, remote out of a drawer of memory. There will be no way to talk about it soon ... for now suffice it to one word: "Pamplona".
I'll try not to let too long with the curiosity ... until then, listen quietly.
-The news of the week: berlusconi involved in a new sex scandal with a minor in Morocco. I was hoping for a cat fight with Naomi, but it seems that they have already swallowed Calderoli and Borghezio tests.
-The phrase of the week: "The voice of the majority is no guarantee of justice." (JCF von Schiller)
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