fattaccio our
Today I had to update my progress on literary, revealing some restroscena last story I wrote. Meeting postponed to break an unpredictable pitch to the more or less odious quartet above. For those who do not was accustomed to television schedules lunchtime, issue of the conductors of "mind your own" historical entertainment program which is primarily function in the background while you are dedicated to the mid-day meal. Absolutely devoid of content that is not designed to titillate and satisfy the table for careless housewife and not too demanding, and half of the program nell'oretta alternate games, camouflaged gossip from real stories (preferably morbid / tear), hosted by television stars passed beyond the threshold of oblivion in a desperate attempt not to fall completely into oblivion, especially sneaking in unlikely singing duets with the unbearable marcello (first from right). To give a hand to the squalor Overall, the veteran and always indigestible Giancarlo Magalli (second from right, what looks like the 2.0 version of the Penguin from Batman), regardless of age, which continues to pose gigione be nice, and Adriana Volpe (this, even if you are ignorant of CRT, you can figure out for themselves who is). Which is believed to be a presenter of the first magnitude, and could also be, if it remained silent. The fox, however, has the curious tendency to react with noises from the general markets every time it is made aware of their own destiny by the tutelary deity of the television astrologer, or Paul Fox (he, too, going for exclusion, you should now be able to identify). That every day, he rattles off the ranking of the zodiac signs, not according to the classical order, but based on luck or not they will have in this one day. A mezzuccio to force the viewer to follow the horoscope as a whole or nearly so, rather than allow them to zap in and stay permanently on the program just the handful of seconds needed to hear the predictions of its sign. Now, in summary: the program is painful, the wires are too high, the audience, pardon the streets, relatively embarrassing as the scenery itself, the call-in look what Michael is trying to be funny and witty help you find the lemming in us and work with nature. Thus, we avoid like the plague This latest example of TV trash paid with our money and dedicate ourselves to them? No. At least, not quite. I decided to become an avid supporter of Paul Fox, giving my humble contribution to the television every time I share it happens. Not because it suddenly became a credulous believer of astrology, although I enjoy reading the horoscopes and feel when it happens. Nor why a percentage for each collection gonzo convinced that looking for the crucial ten minutes, "your affairs". Very simply, I dare say as usual, this is because of my unquenchable hatred for the bullying. How to convey the special episode of a program basically harmless, or at least no more harmful than others, late at night. It so happens, in fact, that the annual event with "mind your own special-horoscope 2011" this evening slip from first to second night sent, to make room for the key, "the pooh-the true story," which will take the company to the incredulous teleutenti until nearly midnight. Only then, with permission, the terrible four up there can come into our home, in pajamas with pillow under arm, to tell us what to expect next year's stars. To tell you the truth, the more that the case could Luca Borgomeo. Who is this? The President of the 'AIART, an association of viewers. That plagued the last year network director liofreddi cuts so the spaces in which Paul Fox lets us know what will happen to the virgin, the bull and the Capricorn. Reason: "It is unfortunate that the public service broadcasting to devote horoscopes. The risk is that it exploits superstition, credulity or fear, in particular the categories of people psychologically most vulnerable." Now, the words of this Carneades in search of their fifteen minutes of glory by striking of the testes of other people would be clapping their hands to peel, if the 'group of viewers was AIART Ultrarazionale, blindly loyal to science, whose ultimate aim is to eradicate supestizione wherever and in whatever form it manifests itself. Sin worthy is that the Catholic association. That is, enactment of a cultural-political system that "the exploitation of superstition, credulity and fear, particularly the most vulnerable categories of people psychologically," she courts two thousand years. And lately, not passandosela crabs well, has declared a merciless war on anything that can compete with her or jeopardize the credibility and authority. Paul Fox, then, ends up in the blacklist along with the Islamists, who defends the rights of minorities, especially those who want to live and die as they see fit and courts investigating pedophilia scandals and funds of the IOR, from 'by thinking. In any other country, a network manager would use the urgent demands of Carneades Borgomeo compensate for a sudden lack of toilet paper. Unfortunately, this is not any other country, but one where any accounts that Polton something alight, on time, the reverse of "practicing non-devotees" (bless that genius Uzala Corrado Guzzanti). So that the poor housewife who wanted to know the developments for the Sagittarius ascendant Scorpio over the next year will stand up to hours of sleepwalkers, a necessary sacrifice to prevent the evil fox ruined for ever more fragile and impressionable minds. How to cheat the time our home? Maybe you zap of sull'infinità rivoluzionarai channels provided by digital terrestrial technology. And the witch Priscilla focusing on Tele6volute that divine secure systems to win the lottery. Or, if it is a bit 'sgam, spend the night on the internet to compare various astrology horoscopes on countless sites offered by the web, and then make the comparison with those of Paul. Or, why not invite four or five friends for a nice autodivinazione through chicken entrails. Who knows. What is certain is that Paul has worked for fox, but my respect and my deepest sympathy. Not least because of the Moon in trine to Uranus, we have irrefutable evidence. The existence of an intrusive and old fancazzista that light from above, and the mouth of a gang of men wearing skirts (and then consider homosexuals "sick") purports to tell us how to live the lives that would have given us with a lot of "free will" built-in, I still had evidence.
idiocy of the superstitious, however, he's just had another one.
- The desire for the new year: that once the live TV show on Channel Sunday mass, brown wasp visitors in her living room a Satanist, an Islamic terrorist and Branko. Or the right to be heard is true only for the pro-life groups?
- Quote of the Day: "How more a person is religious, the more he believes, as most believe, much less know, the less you know, so it is more ignorant, more ignorant than you, so much easier to govern. "(J. Most)