Sometimes They Come Back ...
When you're stuck at home out of necessity rather than a desire, at some point not be able to get to more, amount to physical exhaustion is a psychological, a lethal mixture that can cause emotional Vajont. My great fortune to have next a partner who can support me by giving me the strength to go forward without completely out of my head. At least, any more than it already is. And it's nice every now and then flee together toward more serene beaches, even metaphorically. Places that are not (only) in space, but also over time. I'm a traditionalist unrepentant, the kind that "things were better when it was worse, it should by now know. So it should not surprise my sudden and obsessive return to the series, animated and not just the '80s. These days are the victim of a true obsessive-compulsive disorder, which leads me to search the web material of any kind, from vinyl letters taken from the episodes broadcast on television stations semi-clandestine schedules impossible. And it is strange to find many years later, again in front of people who have kept me company during boring afternoons or boring weekend. Odd forgotten them, considering how important they were, how they follow their passion, after all, innocent adventures. Strange to find that they do not, they have not forgotten me, and now find themselves again in a body of an adult child, new subsidiaries, strange, almost incredible designs and animations as well as dated and ridiculous can nailed to the screen more than any special effect treddì used in the films. Yes, I know, are prejudiced and narrow-minded, the new advances and he who hesitates is lost, embrace change, but if you look back, at least occasionally, you never know where you come from. And forget it can be fatal, because it likely to cheer and incense authors hailed as "brilliant" when, at most, are craftsman from around draw, adorned with a few drops of cold CG ideas and situations already proven by others, but with more feeling. If recycling the waste as recycled ideas, the world would never know the greenhouse effect. Allow me therefore pay tribute, with a small parade, some people who time and marketing have tarnished perhaps, but do not want to learn to surrender their relentless advance, often bastard offspring.
I wonder if these few pictures you have unleashed in a wave of pleasant memories, as well as always know how to provoke me. If you are going back in time when everything seemed simpler and could even afford to believe that yes, you can defeat the monsters. And if the return to reality is to you, devastating as it is for me, every time I see the monsters as they stole the circle of Evelyn and sockets Alvaro, replacing them as the aliens in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
what I mean? Spend more later, and you'll know.
-The news of the day: not your business.
-Quote of the morning "The stories tell more than the truth. And not just because they tell us that dragons exist, but why say that you can defeat." (GK Chesterton)
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