... sometimes not (but does not give the vulture) tax
Scilipoti Dominic is a former member of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(boiled), recently migrated to an imaginary "movement of national responsibility" co-founded by him, convinced that the Berlusconi government should be saved at all costs for the good of the country. Which country is not known. The fact is that as soon as you consume the betrayal, the machine locks inevitable retaliation of the Communist press. And here, therefore, from a troupe of Rome "Annozero, who immediately rushes to her in-laws' house in search of incriminating evidence with which our rubbish Thursday night. Nothing found, the barbarians armed with camera ford the Strait of Messina and rush to his mother's house novantunenne, sieges and tortured to the point where it fell down lifeless. The conscientious son, of course, immediately report what happened. Not the police, but two prominent journalists and notoriously impartial. That is, Maurizio Belpietro, director of "newspaper", and Emilio Fede. It would have been, perhaps, wiser, and recommended to the authorities, while taking away the fragile mother from the inevitable media wave back, but so much so, in the general chaos, poor Scilipoti should not have thought of. The problem is not even, or even both, if the two eminent journalists complained to whether or not true, I do not personally a little hard to imagine Ruotolo and relentlessly attacking an elderly Formigli methods to extract information from the KGB, but so . The thing (relatively) puzzling is the reaction of the audience, who immediately condemned the shameful assault trouppe the Bolsheviks, regardless of whether or not true. Already, sin is the same audience that rejoices in the afternoons in front of two and lives in direct, in the study are connected with journalists, or assumed, from the weather and dall'inedia exhausted after days and nights of continuous ambush locations where hath been consumed some tragedy, maybe family, even better if a sexual nature. It 'the same audience that complicates re-created ad hoc models of urinals in the late evening, he enjoys lucubrate with opinion in the study on the life and habits of victims and alleged perpetrators. The same public that has not lifted a brow in front of the post of "open study" that, aftermath of the earthquake in the Eagle, chased the children in tears amid the rubble to ask them "what do you feel now?". E 'in short, an audience of decerebration cathode morals at double speed, ideally radunatasi around the most vulgar representative of the tv-morbid sensationalism of recent years. That up there Miss, that between a push Vatican (not in that sense, it is too old for the tastes of the clergy) and a live human sacrifice (the magician Silvan, in a memorable episode of "Sunday") has come to be the queen of daytime, Rai Due, even bringing home a book which is the only nominee, and brings up the paparazzi by fabrizio corona serious investigative journalists. A book where, for a month now, there is deep thinking about the disappearance of a young girl of thirteen years, but she is looking for special morbid revelations burning, maybe a dead body. How lucky would be the first to break the news. What a nice additional boost to his career. Accusing her and her similar to speculate on the misfortunes of the people, however, triggered angry protests by the direct question and to the home of Voghera with such affection that both sexes follow. You and those like her, do real journalism, I'm really worried about the fate of the poor Yara. That maybe would like to return home, if only there were not all those journalists piled up front. And not one of "Annozero" to be given any blame.
-Chariots of Fire:
-Seeing is believing:
-Quote of the week: "A cynical, mercenary Press, sooner or later, will create an audience base." (J. Pulitzer)
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