No, I'm gone. Nor have I forgotten the blog. True, in these last two months I have reviewed and reconsidered the priorities to be mine, but if this space is relatively neglected is the lack of time, certainly not of interest. The lack of time which has also affected negatively, on my literary output. You can safely say that at the time, the novels on which they are all still working, a long-term needs of the corresponding time and mental space to be written at best, modestly always pursue that goal (which then has centered every time is a different matter, and that 99 times out of 100 that makes me shit I write is far from completely coat). Otherwise, if I had to fill the sheets with the first crap that comes to my mind, took the worst of the worst kind of media, Licia Troisi ... and I certainly do not have to like her indisputable talent for authorship can hope to be published by Mondadori. Fortunately. Thus, having to make a virtue of necessity, I started to experiment with narrative form best suited to current needs, or the short story. A useful exercise, even to sharpen the skills of synthesis that I often missing, and to experiment with different styles, less direct but equally effective.
Currently I have a birth "successful" and two other babies in the womb:
- "Chat" is the youngest of the house Pedersen, is in some ways the most autobiographical thing I've ever written, and as the title suggests, offers itself as a classic tale of epistolary form suitable for the twenty-first century. The narrative structure "in first person "I have always been congenial, but one where the story progresses in a variety of viewpoints tickles me even more. Just a few days ago I finished "The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg (thanks to my husband for making me discover this gem, which I recommend highly), a perfect example of a story whose narration progresses scanned from multiple points of view, often in conflict with each other in my small way, I tried something similar with "The Yellow Palace", contained in "Tales from the Margin." Try the experiment, adjusting to the most current forms of communication (and increasing, thus, the disorientation of player, who has the final say on the matter) was a necessary step. The result? Appreciated by those who read it, but I still have a little something to fix it.
- "Pamplona" is the second story of the triad, there had already been mentioned, and is becoming a figment of equine proportions. The basic idea is that, despite many fine words, the inherent violence of our nature will not wait more than an opportunity to explode. Even better if wrapped in a noble cause (noble to those who support it, of course). If someone gave us the opportunity to rid completely, or almost no effect, the inhibitions (self-) imposed by the so-called "civilization" just skip it altogether. At first it all seemed weak in terms of credibility, the presentation of a book months ago and I attended the reading of "The Night of the Drive In" Lansdale made me think again. After a false start, I think I on the right track. Now I just have to find the momentum to cross the finish line, it's there, in sight, not even a hundred yards. If only I could tear myself away from this point to rest ...
-close with "Grandma" ... and I would not be completely honest if I said that a new idea. The application starting point is: the Black Man, the infamous bogeyman that grandparents and parents used to convince us to eat the fat of the ham, is still afraid? What really scares the younger generation? And above all, because the Black Man have to be this bad? Recent ideas, born of a playful conversation, which made the proverbial light bulb, triggering a chain of associations of ideas which led to a plunge in the past. Come up before, in fact, two of my very old stories that dealt with child abuse and that, like all my very old stories, they needed a good coat of paint (which is why I say that, although the fresh ideas of the day, the idea how to develop all is not: the carbon dating confirms that goes back 22 years ago). In this case, though, I thought to jot down a couple of partitions, so as to make "Clarence" and "The Drawer" one. The title comes straight from the latter, as most of the atmosphere. For the record, "Grandma" is my first story, albeit from a single plot, it has developed in two different ways: a purely fabulous, the other much more explicit. Eventually took over the first, I would like Rendel as possible is also suitable for readers 0-12, I do not ever Having experimented with a real fairy tale "dark" suitable for all ages. Of course, there was "The Princess in the crystal" ... but I doubt that would be appreciated big & small. What will combine with this new attempt we'll know after the fact. As always, you will be informed promptly of the results. Well, almost.
-The news of the day: ruby \u200b\u200bhas never taken five million euro by Berlusconi. Imagine if a kind of satisfied with the minimum rate.
-Quote of the Day: "The party has no moral poverty." (E. Biagi)
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