a couple of years are registered with the Partisans, the National Association of Italian partisans, which keeps alive the traditions and ideals of the fight against fascism, therefore, accept among its members and supporters only those who are openly and deeply Fascism. This year I decided not to renew the card. Reason: I am not sure that it is not fascist. This statement came out of my jet yesterday, during a pleasant conversation, and has created some confusion. A first for me. Feeling somewhat fascist was something I did not expect, let alone admit so innocent lightness. Better reason above, I understand what I meant (yes, sometimes I think, my sudden thoughts). Top of fact to believe there is some confusion about what the term "fascism". Dictionary in hand, and excluding those relating to the political system governed by the lord above, the third definition of "fascism" states that "ideology, movement, authoritarian or reactionary political attitude." So no, I tend to make the salute to the cheering leader nor do I dress up with Celtic crosses and tees with males having a hankering for motets motto. This is the version of the popular national fascist to which we were accustomed to, due to flocks of perolpiù biNbiminKia rimpiangenti shaved head with things that do not know. Luckily for them, if still there today and very much relied on that regime, probably would have already been bludgeoned mercilessly and fed castor oil for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. With frequent snacks. We are always inclined to bring out ideas and lifestyles that we know only in the abstract. And we tend to congregate with those who have our own worldview. They say it is a natural condition of man, the need to meet and share ideas. Until recently, the aggregation and sharing, however, also joined the "confrontation" in the sense of listening to the reasons for the party and substantive complaint further rebuttal. But today I have a feeling that those who desire to compete seriously without prepackaged ideologies and cooked by others, a species that is extinction. And, therefore, that fascism has not won as a political system, but as
mindset. In a climate where you feel surrounded, you reply to the enemy with his own blunt weapons, placed on trial unlikely explanations peppered with rhetoric. "Freedom, dignity, equality, rights" and other amenities to be comic, but easy to proclaim that no one would really applied in practice. So when a bunch of thugs in rags and Kefia on display to the streets to protest against the university reform, destroying whatever he happens to throw, you have to understand: who is the only way to be heard (assuming are not agents to sabotage the event, because we are all bellibravicivili by definition. Do not believe me? Fascist.). And when it is their equivalent with shaved head and "black facet to his lips"? To condemn and punish, because they are wrong regardless. Try to point out that the imposition of their ideas by any means, even violence, and repression of all that is unwelcome, is exactly the opposite
modus operandi of fascism, leads automatically to be branded as fascists. Because we're the good guys and we're right, who is not with us is against us and must be destroyed. In this climate of permanent stage, where social change colors and slogans, but not the mentality that drives them, there is no room for objective analysis and compromise. You're either with grillotravagliodipietro, or you're with berlusconibersanicasini. Either you are with the Fiom, or you're with Marchionne. You're either for freedom at all times, or you're a fascist. But freedom, if mishandled, becomes negligence. And fascism is not necessarily black is white, red or any color you deny the slightest tinge, becoming only color available. Painting the world of one color. And if you do not like that color ... prepared for the worst.
-The news of the week: Landini, FIOM secretary, urges the Democratic Party to take a clear position against the fiat. He has not noticed that Bersani is leaning on his desk for months.
-The phrase of the week: "Nobody says that the real anti-fascism consists in principle by tantrum, that is to deny a priori that in any school of thought there is something right or something use to search for the right. (O. Fallaci) "
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