Once upon a time, around 70, a business growing rapidly. Behind the mask of respectable philanthropist and captain of industry, was hiding a man haunted by the constant search for ever greater power, ready to do anything to get it. For years, his unstoppable lust for conquest was thwarted by those who had chosen to defend the order and justice. A day, during a dramatic political and social crisis, we took the field in the first person who until then had opposed decided to support it, despite being found in the meantime, his dubious past. But the need is known, prosecutor strange bedfellows. How could well witness the protagonist of this story. Which, with a deft sleight of hand, eventually became the most powerful man in the country. Did not take long to impose their view of things: the defenders of the law, which had so long resisted, were labeled as subversive criminals. To the faithful lackey, from the past even more dubious of his assigned tasks prestigious and honorable. To moral scruples replaced the policy of "making" spilling the truth and manipulating it for their own ends, thanks to the indulgence of the media totally subservient. The dissidents were driven, proven wrong, scared. The masses cheered, seeing in him the man of providence. The rest of the political left to do, and could also be a son of a bitch, but it was their son of a bitch. What should have been content with what he had achieved, but content is not part of his nature. After having made secret deals with dictators in other countries and signed agreements with bloodthirsty killers, now overwhelmed by their delusions of omnipotence did as expected and predicted, the longer wheelbase of the leg: I felt the last and most dangerous obstacle to his dark kingdom, invaded Asgard, the city of Scandinavian gods, floating over the skies of Oklahoma for the will of him who had rebuilt the legendary Thor.

"This is enough .."
Confused? I can imagine. For a while, 'I think I even be talking to someone else, instead of Norman Osborn, Spider-Man's historical nemesis. I've often thought about reading, month after month, abli dedicated to the Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man and colorful company. Instead, the protagonist This short biography is just a fictional character. Observe, however, as his life runs parallel to that of "one-to-where-were-thinking" (ohUzala, seem veltroni) is rather disturbing. And the context around costruitogli by Brian Michael Bendis, the architect of the revival in the style concoction Marvel universe. Of course, Russia is not to bite off their arms to the opponents live on television as Venom (not yet, anyway), Dell'Utri is not exactly a personal adviser and the Machiavellian deceptions Lohki god (which, apparently, has never been lowered to lend their talents to the Mafia) Gaddafi and his friend could not even clean the metal of the high gaiters Victor Von Doom, an aspiring global monarch not megalomania, but because "no one else can" ... Nor, thankfully, berlusconi (I told you, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing assimilibalie Walter gave me nausea) has a superhuman destruction mass as the almighty and schizophrenic Sentry. Barbary Unless there is hiding something.
Yet so many are the parallels between the New York Land 616 current and Italy that you can not repress a thrill of reading passages "Dark Reign" and "Siege" ... especially those who cease to become parallel and intersecting with our lives everyday. Shudder because, in all likelihood, Bendis did not think the Norman home of drawing the evolution of the story, clearly an indictment against the delusional Bush administration and its obsession with "national security" ( Osborn chorus that sings at every turn). And if the turning point of the story is perfectly represented by the sticker up there, in my discretion the better and more powerful for many years now, one wonders what is still happen because someone finally decides to launch its own shield, metaphorical or otherwise, against the Iron Patriot of our house. Perhaps the answer lies, once again, Bendis. Yeah, because only a presidential act puts an end to the excessive power of Norman. And only a symbol (the original Captain America) is able to destroy the man into the frame now, in turn, the symbol of this world upside down. Not surprisingly, the decisive battle is really between Norman / Iron Patriot and Steve Rogers / Captain America. With the first one that screams the second "end up in the electric chair ... for ... for high treason!" Play everything for anything not to be defeated. Also ready to destroy the entire country, while not losing it.

"Bob, destroy everything! Do not let them win!"
And public opinion? What does it do? What we do: almost nothing. Assists, frightened, the Asgard Siege of live TV. Condemning it instinctively when shocked sent announces "Thor is on the ground" but also praise to Osborn, the only one who has the courage to confront the "false gods" in their home. Ready, in each case, without too much trouble to jump on the bandwagon of the next winner. Yes, I definitely a deja- vu.
-Link of the Week: http://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/2011/02/20/news/telecom_peer-12683117/?ref=HREC2-9
-The phrase of the week: "will fall. E 'in its nature. "(Victor Von Doom, Dr. Doom, about Norman Osborn, the new Head of Security of the United States)
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