The Fact Daily, edition January 20, sounded the alarm on the draft guidance note on pluralism, submitted by Alessio Butti, Senator of the PDL, in Parliamentary Committee. The text will be voted on next week by an overwhelming majority and has three major limitations to the Rai, once it is implemented by the Board of Directors: non-overlapping themes for eight days, if Monday Porta a Porta case speaks of Ruby, on Thursday Annozero must deal with another, double-columnist, for example Marco Travaglio contradicted by a second 'writer', two-wire, one with and one against the government.
The title promises much: the act of address pluralism of the Parliamentary Commission for the Supervision of Rai. User manual for the Board of Directors of Viale Mazzini that - remember the lock for a level playing field? - Can interpret in his own way. The deputy Alessio Butti, leader of the PDL in Supervision, yesterday presented its draft. A poster in a few paragraphs, to say: we, the government majority, so we see the public service. Or rather, provides: "To ensure the originality of the schedules should, in general - it says - that the prevailing themes treated by a program are subject to the further development of other programs, including other networks, at least over eight days following their broadcast. "
Translated: if Monday Door to Door (Raiuno), in his style, he speaks Ruby and revels in Arcore, BallarĂ² (Raitre) on Tuesday and Annozero (Raidue) on Thursday should be silent. But if the thought is unique, the conductor is double. Why Butti imagine two "journalists from different cultural backgrounds" (what kind?) To moderate a debate in the studio: "Rai has to study and experiment." Gianluigi comparison (the last word) rejects the idea: "Wrong. There is a risk that the talk-show is not monopolized by the conductors and that creates confusion. " And the themes do not overlap is ironic: "I'm going to be broadcast on Friday is only the advance of Sunday sports." Lucia Annunziata (within half an hour) smell off: "They're coming elections. And why is preparing to suspend the information. " And there's a second clue, revealed last week by Made Daily, the Director-General Masi froze the listings ranging from March to June, just in brackets useful for the vote.
But the debate in Supervision, in the deserted classroom, could not miss the argument Annozero, editorial Marco Travaglio and contradictory. Butterfield has not forgotten, and broke it included in its report that, only a couple of weeks, will be voted in the committee chaired by Sergio Zavoli and then implemented by the Board of Viale Mazzini, "When the transmission requires the intervention of a columnist in support of a thesis, it is also essential to ensure adequate space for the representation of other cultural sensitivities. " The text of the Democratic Party, rapporteur Fabrizio Morri, is (much) softer and is only a reference to Augustus Minzolini: "The directors and a test should be avoided to represent their own personal judgments or assessments which are not based on the utmost impartiality and objectivity. "
Yesterday Rai and its politicians were busy arguing with Giovanni Floris, unlike usual, did not live past the phone call from Silvio Berlusconi, but he invited into the studio for Tuesday Next on Ruby and investigations of Milan prosecutors. The accusation came from the most significant advisor to PDL share in Viale Mazzini, indeed loyal to the prime minister, Antonio Verro: "It is intolerable that the host of a program of public service be allowed to decide not to broadcast the call of the President of Council. It has run Floris defended citing precedents, or long and uncontrollable actions without answering the questions: "We thought it best to do so, seeing as it had happened the last time I called, and since last Sunday we had invited to participate in yesterday's episode. On Tuesday will come BallarĂ² to confront ourselves and others. "
(from the daily act of January 20, 2011)
-The phrase of the week: "In a country where openly kingdoms doctrine of the sovereignty of the people of the complaint is not only a danger but also a great absurdity. " (A. de Tocqueville)
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