happens, although rarely, to exchange chat with colleagues are outside the Soccer from alcohol and pussy. So you end up talking about current affairs, or trying to do with the few available means of the average-low. What is informed only by television and, therefore, considers me a kind of bottomless pit of culture and knowledge. The Italian takes the view that CRT is not so outrageous whoring. No matter if you're the chairman of the board, or for a single soffocotto (indeed, for having denied its existence) Bill Clinton was played at the time the U.S. presidency, and was haunted day and night by the media and prosecutor Kenneth Starr . From this starting point is passed, almost obligatorily, to talk about the precarious health of our media, we can define "phase two" disgusting RAI, Mediaset, which sucks, what do I pay the fee (the question actually should be: "why still watch television, if everything makes you sick?") and so on. Soon, without even realizing it, you enter phase 3, or who is the servant of the realm. Inevitable as the rate of insurance, the other party answers "Emilio Fede". Until some time ago I shared, being too obvious about it. For some months now, however, I slightly revised my opinion, re-evaluating emilio. True, it is biased, vulgar, vulgar, and define its news is a blasphemy. It is also true, however, that faith, nomen omen , nurtures a blind faith in his master (never was more appropriate term, "employer" does not do so well the idea). Therefore, in the general confusion, from the ferry the other party 3 "phase 4": the end is worse, in terms of vassalage, that sub-genre that defends the human host (see previous parenthesis) is not out of devotion, but for personal gain . Various Minzolini (anonymous writer of "printing" became a director of TG1 after a series of interviews in the knee to the greasy lord), Daniel Garner (better known as Santanche, surname who refuses to return to her husband from whom she divorced because known jet-set), Capezzone (man with the syllable in the name, inserted on purpose to divert suspicion) and friends are infinitely worse by the Director of TG4. Why not have faith, not only in personal terms, but to the highest bidder. Terrified of returning to nothingness as previously, are fighting hard to save the sinking ship, but we do not doubt: when silvio disappear, they will find others who sell their services. There are whores and worse ruby \u200b\u200bheartthrob Patrick D'Addario, nor prostitution is carried out in the only sexual act. A concept that not everyone has yet made. As probably will not admit the newborn "phase 5", flowing from a seemingly trivial question: can be worse than Minzolini, Daniel Garner, Mauro Masi and menagerie next? Yes, if you deign to answer, ask Roberto Saviano. That yesterday, during a demonstration to demand the resignation of the Milanese premier, takes the stage received a standing ovation to blather of justice, legality, decency, and other hackneyed platitudes like that so much of its audience from pasionaria parlor. Cattle that cheering when our proudly declared, during the sopravvalutatissima "Come away with me", he never had a home in Antigua, we are very careful not to point out to him that the salary was passing him just what to Home Antigua has it. The same that every other day and the other well, accusing him of damaging the public image of Italy with its "Gomorrah." Saviano is considered, by common vulgata, a hero for exposing the malaffari of Casale, exposing them to the unfriendly attention while bringing to public attention a phenomenon all too ignored in favor of the more picturesque mafia. "Sad that country that needs heroes," someone said, even more sad if the heroes are jocks on MTV with the air of beautiful and damned, millantanti a straight back and courage possessed only in words, with one hand pointing the finger at the immorality and indecency, with the other grabbing the substantial benefits bestowed by those who, of that malpractice, is the leading exponent. The shields are raised, "Saviano is right to publish with Mondadori, silvio damage from the inside, and then Mondadori is still the largest Italian publishing house, and his message so he can reach more people." True. Since he acquired Einaudi and Sperling, even more. Too bad that when stupid argument was supported by D'Alema, you crucified for connivance with the enemy. Index of the double standard that remains the biggest and most catastrophic problem in this country, and thinking that Berlusconi's fascist-that "we are good regardless of their bad and as such all we are allowed." Even realizing the conflict of interest of our editor after publishing for twenty years with him, or declare, remained serious, but remain in the catalog Einaudi is a form of resistance. Orwellian Newspeak, "the subjection and resistance." Congratulations to Wu Ming, Lucas and all the other exponents of this thought haunted and haunting. Congratulations, especially to Saviano, the hero of our times with a poker face impervious to criticism, of double standards interchangeably as needed and, more recently, the ability to finally abandon its biggest detractor for more consistent shores. But just at sunset of the empire, and after signing the contract for the next book with Feltrinelli. Even the incredible coincidence can be a superpower.
-The news of the week: trouble calls on the league to return to their origins. Like it's easy to find shelter in caves and woods from which to derive clubs.
-The phrase of the week: "Italians are divided into two main groups: those who work for Berlusconi and those who do it." (From an article in the New York Times)
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