Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Women Separation Is The Only Solution

My michelle

Teletext Page 140 rai, "From Italy". Fourth news, just below the new chapters of the weapon of mass distraction of the moment (the murder of Scazzi will, for the distracted) and almost equal with the garbage emergency in Terzigno (but was not over?) "Arrested michelle hunziker stalker. " The cathode-ray free world rejoices, my brow furrows. Again? But there had already arrested some months ago? A google quickly confirms that, despite the age, my memory still works quite well, the worthy "Fireman of the evening" makes me know that the situation is even more compessa than I imagined. It appears that the former Mrs. ramazzotti is the preferred target of virtually any human male will make eye contact:

At which point the life of this virginal girl is threatened by a plethora of horny that, in an escalation of lyricism, he claims to feel his unnecessary law on stalking strongly supported by the equally useless Minister Mara Carfagna too many opportunities. That prior to swallowing the evidence, reaching the ministerial seat which now occupies, was the hunziker colleague.
What's up, Bobby sbertuccia victims to defend the stalker, so called because, as is known, use the terms Inglese is very cool and more people understand a little less ? Not at all, are and remain with the idea that certain individuals, including even put the pedophiles, the only effective treatment is castration, not necessarily chemistry. I know, is very like the League idea, but even a broken clock tells the time right twice a day. Unless it is one of those digital as Gasparri. So no, no defense for sex offenders. But capiamoci the term. And let's priorities. Did not take long, in fact, to believe that several copies of my sex gets too much attention towards a woman who has the charm, and the reflected light of his marriage ended now *, much of its current success. I find it difficult, however, think that the rest of the show, and not only Italian, has nothing to do with people like that. Both sexes. Because, even though we like to think otherwise, there are well loosen in a skirt, those ready to commit suicide if the biNbominKia just released by the X factor of the moment refused to smile. Or those who, years ago, less than you think, swarming in Manchester from all over Europe pitch their tents in the home of Take That. It was not just teenage hormones raging. So perhaps the phenomenon is much more varied and complex than they think the company rewarded carfagna-hunziker-company, with the first in the small clothes dell'Erin Noantri Brockovich. As such, therefore, scope to deal with half marks its peers and make every lascivious wink a domestic case, thanks to the press complicit, after all, everyone does what he can to be talked about. Also use his daughter as a human shield for the paparazzi in passing, or to have the two pages monthly magazines gossippare so dear to the home of Voghera. Those who might be outraged by the maniacs that plague their girlfriend cathodic rejoice when they are arrested and tear their clothes in case of an acquittal ... but said nothing of neighboring if the husband when he returns home at night, filling the barrel. Or, and is the worst case, they do not dare to rebel against the first abusive husband, children thugs to bully guy. 'Cause I'm like that, you must understand, not condemn them. And if, stoves of the violence seen or experienced, daring to lift his head and denounce ... eh well, but it was really the case? The dirty laundry is best to wash them at home. And if the situation has reached this point, maybe some blame the victim also has it, he deserved some punch. Not like michelle. She is so sweet, dear, good. See how it goes well, topless.

-Link of the Day: this explains why the law on stalking is a red thrush: & id = 519: stalking-the-law-who-helps-the-lawyers & catid = 1: last = 29 & Itemid

But we are indulgent, from carfregna you could not wait any longer.

-Quote of the Day: "When you come back home to your wife, always by a slap. You do not know why, but she did." (Italian proverb popular, both because we like to be consistent.)

* I remember now that, in an old interview on "TV smiles and cocks" (I think), the hunziker told the journalist he had known minogue " because it followed him everywhere like a shadow, and he finally noticed me. " Stalking!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Watching Her Masterbate

A and something years ago

A year and something ago, with all the ingenuity of the case, I started this blog, version of the twin born a few weeks before on myspace. Recently wrecked because of the censorship that prevents stupid to remember the origins and ideals of the Nazi German shepherd, with many apologies to the dogs. When these were blog aperti, avevo un programma abbastanza ambizioso, che non pochi ritennero una violazione della Convenzione di Ginevra: ammanirvi un post al giorno, week end esclusi, disquisendo con voi di politica, costume, società, cinema, fumetti e letteratura, senza soluzione di continuità. Qua e là vi avrei anche redarguito sull’avanzamento, o sull’avanzato stato di decomposozione, dei miei nuovi lavori narrativi. Un anno e qualcosa fa, il progetto suonava già ambizioso, considerata la media dei blog sparsi per la rete, aggiornati in maniera discontinua o lasciati a morire nella risacca del web. Però era fattibile: dopotutto, ero a casa in cassa integrazione, senza impegni di rilievo, padrone assoluto del mio tempo. La mattina I prepare the post for the blog, the afternoon continue with my stories on the evening me on my own, entrenched behind a good book, a good comic book, a good movie. Then, unfortunately or fortunately, things began to change. The company is working again, albeit in fits and starts, a few more in union commitment, private matters and everyday, sometimes pleasant and sometimes not, which concentrate. But still, even there I could. Maybe getting short of breath, but still managed to dish up your (good?) Post daily, carrying on the activities of hack. But by May the weather has been gradually decreasing. Up to disappear almost completely in recent weeks, if I stated the first I needed 72-hour days to do what I had to move and a bit 'of time for me, now should I have available, some that last at least twice, to attend to my business without me being a nervous breakdown and be successful, however , to write something on here without sacrificing the adventures of Fredrick, Emma and companionship. I tried, as long as I could. But when, taking advantage of a lull, you see that your main activity, the one on which you want to invest time and resources, is stopped at the stake for more than two months while the unperturbed blog goes, it means that you reconsider your priorities. A moment: Bobby is telling us to close the blog? No. Bobby you're just saying that, at least until January will change a bit 'of things, because I have to get back a bit' up with the writing in the narrative sense. So, instead of the usual post daily, there's one a week, which will review the situation in general. Maybe even more than one, it is not, certainly not less. Why this space, and you animate it, was born almost by accident, but over time has become increasingly important, because it gives me 'way to vent, let me in, reflect, confront and deal with. I also like to think that, somehow, has created a small community of enthusiasts, quieter but no less attentive. So, rest assured, "Memories From The Severe "does not close and does not disappear, it slows down just a little '. Just enough to take a breather, both me and you. And as soon as we'll be all rested for good ... off to a thousand other incredible speculations.

-Quote of the Day: "Infinite things to do, so little time." (J. Napier)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Laserlipolysis In Phuket

Round Table-The End of the Empire (and I Feel Fine) "The Board of the week

Therefore, there is the spokesperson-racks, toilet-brush holder from the president of Confindustria, the arpisella Rinaldo, one of those figures that nobody knows about it until reporters or presumed not shoot the name on the front page. There are journalists or assumed, the world Nicholas Leek and Alessandro Sallustio, snipers hired the pay (nominal) of the brother of Prime Minister, that Paolo Berlusconi who delights to go to jail instead of the more famous silvio. Premier pair leek-Sallustio is suspected of having put up a dossier against alleged Marcegaglia. Suddenly the two men discovered the professional ethics? Macchi. The number of manufacturers had a duty to pay for daring to criticize the government, refusing even to the time the sirens of the Board of pederast, who had the nice thought of proposing it as Minister of Economic Development in a legendary meeting of Confindustria in May of this 'year:

At the moment, against the premiership company P & S there is no evidence against, because the phantom file is still not blown out. There are only a few minutes of phone calls, sufficient to turn in his grave to see what the big Montanelli excrement work in what was a glorious newspaper he founded. If you feel the earth shake, you know who is to blame. And if you do not have the salami slices on the eyes, you should have noticed the fatal descent, at breakneck speed, taken by events. Because when you start to shoot zero on what you have suggested, or Confederation of the church are called, means that you're in trouble. Serious trouble, if it is a legitimate reaction to criticism rather than on the work of a governing majority that, in fact, no longer exists. Fini's fault, guilty of having said "the emperor has no clothes" and have behaved accordingly? Yes and no. Why berlusconi fourth (or third, now has been lost count) has fallen long before the "scandal" of the house of an in Monaco, tack from that other hound in the sense of dog and with apologies to the best of friends 'man, felt. It down was, again, the historical ally. What they already caused the premature death of some fifteen years ago. But since then, boxwoods, chestnuts and other airline have come a long way. The maxitangente Enimont for which he was sentenced the leader of the Carroccio, conviction for assault and resisting a public officer to the minister imposed the innards (for the calf to have bitten a police officer during a search, and then the Indians are the non-EU), the investigations against Calderoli for receiving stolen goods. The average Po, and by extension Italiot, has forgotten all this. If you ever knew. And in the case, everything is a conspiracy of the usual politicized judiciary. When non of those "hidden powers, strong, and unidentified flying" that both like to conspiratorial ages. The truth is much less mysterious and spectacular, and can be summarized as follows:
-unbalanced disqualified from sitting on a pile of money earned somehow, served and revered by a bevy of prostitutes do not necessarily female (which, if necessary, dispense rich gifts and public office) is convinced, rightly, to be able to what he wants in the country which considers him a sort of Lord's anointed. For a while, 'the little game he is able, thanks to its monopoly of the media, which is almost the sole owner. Then his friends overseas financiers make it out of the jar, the world strikes a ton harder the economic crisis from the 30s to today, and all wake up as if by magic. So to speak, of course, the aspiring ducetto however, despite the CEPU on the dictatorship vladimir the friend, loses more support. Yes, sometimes the luck comes in handy unleashing some misfortune behind which hide the various scandals, if you miss it takes a matter of crime and whatever becomes a national event (if only his uncle but he was admitted , dirty communist!), but the impression is that now the conjuring trick no charms almost anyone, although we still have cases of attacks of laughter remembering the ambush in Mauritius Belpietro. In all this, William Wallace to gamma rays have taken the helm and guide the ship, the smiling face turned to the sun (the Alps, of course) and want to play cat and mouse, no, no early elections But .... Nearby, the only politician that exists in Italy, that is Gianfranco Fini, sharpen their weapons and prepare to do battle, with a wink to the friends of the past. In the background, a well-known farmer Abruzzo vague on the tractor, making melody to the Constitution and sends out the faces in the party. In one corner, the party calling a majority, without a presentable faces, continues to break down indifference.
And I / I ask you: how will it end?

-The news of the day: veltroni to come to Italy is an opportunity; for Africa Veltroni is a narrow escape.

-Quote of the Day: "History always repeats itself twice: first in tragedy, the second into a farce." (K. Marx)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Milena Velba Busboobs

you want to spend the weekend watching a good science fiction movie, a hilarious comedy of errors and a dizzying sequence of fights?
you are familiar with subtitles, and you have a little child in the neighborhood who wants to see each other a cartoon?
Fancy all this, but only a couple of hours to spare?
is the film for you:

Activate mules and streams, is easily and will not disappoint you ... and if you do not trust my opinion

Enjoy and see you Monday.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dragonball Doujinshi Read Online


first rule of good union: the workers never contacted directly on what needs to improve in the Company. There is a risk that they feel involved, even the right to participate in decisions that only belong to the union representatives elected by them. But as I am, of course, a bad trade unionist, I thought well to hang boards where a questionnaire, anonymously, for workers to express criticism and suggestions on the canteen. For the record, the initiative has been very well received by colleagues who work by company management (and then maybe I've done something wrong), and caused several panic attacks in older trade unionists, terrified that the common people say the and it is discovered that differs radically from theirs (so no, I did well). While waiting for those great examples of democracy that are members of the FIOM-CGIL are bludgeoned to throw eggs and also to me, I find myself already with two thick sheets of reports more or less sensible. Among the less, it stands a seemingly collegiate flavor, which reads "Playboy bunnies instead of the cooks." Following close behind, "Young female staff." This, by no means unexpected, could also be stored as a childish attempt at humor, except that two factors lead me to reflect. The first is that the reporter, I have taken good-naturedly with an invitation to make suggestions feasible, proved anything but playful, and his short, was an actual request. Supported by fleeting nods to other workers nearby. The other aspect that I perplime is a bit 'everywhere, in plain sight on the walls of the wards, in the lockers, in remote corners but by no means inaccessible, and it looks like this:

Or this:

or at least one very similar. Now, I'm not made of flesh and, though happily engaged, certainly do not dislike the sight of a female body relatively dress. However, the mechanism can not jam when, everywhere you turn, you are surrounded by a veritable army of buxom Amazons in the buff. My philosophy will be the buggy according to which each show, as pleasant, if repeated too long and earnestly at the end of the stove. It will also be that I never could figure out some calendars, the main source from which to draw the pictures above. Steps that of the rising stars of the moment, which considers to be photographed naked as a kind of consecration, and therefore you portray him with little or nothing to the delight of fans looking to sell everything as "artistic nude". Better if set in exotic landscapes. Some photos are undeniably well made, but talking about "art", especially if the timing is not attached to a journal of those glamorous, but is given as a gift from companies that produce tillers, it seems a little excessive, given that the feelings about whose leverage is far more primitive than the mere taste. Lindsay Lohan, the blonde on the head with the network above, although it is a beautiful watch has nothing to do with that I know, the Venus of Botticelli. One is Art, the other is meat. On the other hand, Lindsay Lohan is not represented here by accident, but because one thing leads to (and why, although un'emerita dickhead who is throwing away his life and career, in my opinion is one of the best actresses of the new generation). Chance would have it, in fact, that Sunday I came across in the trailer for "Machete," the new film by Robert Rodriguez who may never arrive in Italy, in whose cast includes actors like De Niro, Danny Trejo, Don Johnson, Steven Seagal (and after the exploit with the Stallone "Mercenaries" is missing right now rescued from oblivion by Van Damme, who deserves a resurrection, even momentary) and the aforementioned Ms. Lohan. With Jessica Alba. To appear nude, even if it comes to Alba for CG and not a drop to chastity. And that's why I found myself talking about this movie with some work colleagues, who know nothing about if not this one. And that's why I found myself being targeted by looks confused and upset when I said quietly, sincerely, Jessica Alba in "Machete" intrigues me so much more

than as a mom 'has (very well) done. It will be another of my problems, to favor image all'esibito in every detail. Indeed, it is probably so, because of my excessive passion for the good old movie once, where the monster of the moment was sensed rather than placed at the center of the stage. Yes, it's probably my problem, I do not see sexuality with all that comes either as a commodity, whether as a fundamental human right, but more as a nice side dish to the rest of the warrior [and the Amazon as well, which But I fear they have less chance of being contented happens to us as bearers (un) healthy penis]. Yes, perhaps after all it is my problem. I think a bit 'up, looking around. On the opposite wall, two huge boobs for the body that houses them staring at me, enigmatic.

-The news of the day: Berlusconi promises federalism by March, and denies that he ever threatened early elections. Translation: before you return to the polls in March.

-Quote of the Day: "Pull a hair more pussy than a bullock cart." (Wisdom)