Sunday, October 17, 2010

Watching Her Masterbate

A and something years ago

A year and something ago, with all the ingenuity of the case, I started this blog, version of the twin born a few weeks before on myspace. Recently wrecked because of the censorship that prevents stupid to remember the origins and ideals of the Nazi German shepherd, with many apologies to the dogs. When these were blog aperti, avevo un programma abbastanza ambizioso, che non pochi ritennero una violazione della Convenzione di Ginevra: ammanirvi un post al giorno, week end esclusi, disquisendo con voi di politica, costume, società, cinema, fumetti e letteratura, senza soluzione di continuità. Qua e là vi avrei anche redarguito sull’avanzamento, o sull’avanzato stato di decomposozione, dei miei nuovi lavori narrativi. Un anno e qualcosa fa, il progetto suonava già ambizioso, considerata la media dei blog sparsi per la rete, aggiornati in maniera discontinua o lasciati a morire nella risacca del web. Però era fattibile: dopotutto, ero a casa in cassa integrazione, senza impegni di rilievo, padrone assoluto del mio tempo. La mattina I prepare the post for the blog, the afternoon continue with my stories on the evening me on my own, entrenched behind a good book, a good comic book, a good movie. Then, unfortunately or fortunately, things began to change. The company is working again, albeit in fits and starts, a few more in union commitment, private matters and everyday, sometimes pleasant and sometimes not, which concentrate. But still, even there I could. Maybe getting short of breath, but still managed to dish up your (good?) Post daily, carrying on the activities of hack. But by May the weather has been gradually decreasing. Up to disappear almost completely in recent weeks, if I stated the first I needed 72-hour days to do what I had to move and a bit 'of time for me, now should I have available, some that last at least twice, to attend to my business without me being a nervous breakdown and be successful, however , to write something on here without sacrificing the adventures of Fredrick, Emma and companionship. I tried, as long as I could. But when, taking advantage of a lull, you see that your main activity, the one on which you want to invest time and resources, is stopped at the stake for more than two months while the unperturbed blog goes, it means that you reconsider your priorities. A moment: Bobby is telling us to close the blog? No. Bobby you're just saying that, at least until January will change a bit 'of things, because I have to get back a bit' up with the writing in the narrative sense. So, instead of the usual post daily, there's one a week, which will review the situation in general. Maybe even more than one, it is not, certainly not less. Why this space, and you animate it, was born almost by accident, but over time has become increasingly important, because it gives me 'way to vent, let me in, reflect, confront and deal with. I also like to think that, somehow, has created a small community of enthusiasts, quieter but no less attentive. So, rest assured, "Memories From The Severe "does not close and does not disappear, it slows down just a little '. Just enough to take a breather, both me and you. And as soon as we'll be all rested for good ... off to a thousand other incredible speculations.

-Quote of the Day: "Infinite things to do, so little time." (J. Napier)


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