Monday, December 27, 2010

Hunter Heat Pump Thermostat Wiring 44860

fattaccio our

Today I had to update my progress on literary, revealing some restroscena last story I wrote. Meeting postponed to break an unpredictable pitch to the more or less odious quartet above. For those who do not was accustomed to television schedules lunchtime, issue of the conductors of "mind your own" historical entertainment program which is primarily function in the background while you are dedicated to the mid-day meal. Absolutely devoid of content that is not designed to titillate and satisfy the table for careless housewife and not too demanding, and half of the program nell'oretta alternate games, camouflaged gossip from real stories (preferably morbid / tear), hosted by television stars passed beyond the threshold of oblivion in a desperate attempt not to fall completely into oblivion, especially sneaking in unlikely singing duets with the unbearable marcello (first from right). To give a hand to the squalor Overall, the veteran and always indigestible Giancarlo Magalli (second from right, what looks like the 2.0 version of the Penguin from Batman), regardless of age, which continues to pose gigione be nice, and Adriana Volpe (this, even if you are ignorant of CRT, you can figure out for themselves who is). Which is believed to be a presenter of the first magnitude, and could also be, if it remained silent. The fox, however, has the curious tendency to react with noises from the general markets every time it is made aware of their own destiny by the tutelary deity of the television astrologer, or Paul Fox (he, too, going for exclusion, you should now be able to identify). That every day, he rattles off the ranking of the zodiac signs, not according to the classical order, but based on luck or not they will have in this one day. A mezzuccio to force the viewer to follow the horoscope as a whole or nearly so, rather than allow them to zap in and stay permanently on the program just the handful of seconds needed to hear the predictions of its sign. Now, in summary: the program is painful, the wires are too high, the audience, pardon the streets, relatively embarrassing as the scenery itself, the call-in look what Michael is trying to be funny and witty help you find the lemming in us and work with nature. Thus, we avoid like the plague This latest example of TV trash paid with our money and dedicate ourselves to them? No. At least, not quite. I decided to become an avid supporter of Paul Fox, giving my humble contribution to the television every time I share it happens. Not because it suddenly became a credulous believer of astrology, although I enjoy reading the horoscopes and feel when it happens. Nor why a percentage for each collection gonzo convinced that looking for the crucial ten minutes, "your affairs". Very simply, I dare say as usual, this is because of my unquenchable hatred for the bullying. How to convey the special episode of a program basically harmless, or at least no more harmful than others, late at night. It so happens, in fact, that the annual event with "mind your own special-horoscope 2011" this evening slip from first to second night sent, to make room for the key, "the pooh-the true story," which will take the company to the incredulous teleutenti until nearly midnight. Only then, with permission, the terrible four up there can come into our home, in pajamas with pillow under arm, to tell us what to expect next year's stars. To tell you the truth, the more that the case could Luca Borgomeo. Who is this? The President of the 'AIART, an association of viewers. That plagued the last year network director liofreddi cuts so the spaces in which Paul Fox lets us know what will happen to the virgin, the bull and the Capricorn. Reason: "It is unfortunate that the public service broadcasting to devote horoscopes. The risk is that it exploits superstition, credulity or fear, in particular the categories of people psychologically most vulnerable." Now, the words of this Carneades in search of their fifteen minutes of glory by striking of the testes of other people would be clapping their hands to peel, if the 'group of viewers was AIART Ultrarazionale, blindly loyal to science, whose ultimate aim is to eradicate supestizione wherever and in whatever form it manifests itself. Sin worthy is that the Catholic association. That is, enactment of a cultural-political system that "the exploitation of superstition, credulity and fear, particularly the most vulnerable categories of people psychologically," she courts two thousand years. And lately, not passandosela crabs well, has declared a merciless war on anything that can compete with her or jeopardize the credibility and authority. Paul Fox, then, ends up in the blacklist along with the Islamists, who defends the rights of minorities, especially those who want to live and die as they see fit and courts investigating pedophilia scandals and funds of the IOR, from 'by thinking. In any other country, a network manager would use the urgent demands of Carneades Borgomeo compensate for a sudden lack of toilet paper. Unfortunately, this is not any other country, but one where any accounts that Polton something alight, on time, the reverse of "practicing non-devotees" (bless that genius Uzala Corrado Guzzanti). So that the poor housewife who wanted to know the developments for the Sagittarius ascendant Scorpio over the next year will stand up to hours of sleepwalkers, a necessary sacrifice to prevent the evil fox ruined for ever more fragile and impressionable minds. How to cheat the time our home? Maybe you zap of sull'infinità rivoluzionarai channels provided by digital terrestrial technology. And the witch Priscilla focusing on Tele6volute that divine secure systems to win the lottery. Or, if it is a bit 'sgam, spend the night on the internet to compare various astrology horoscopes on countless sites offered by the web, and then make the comparison with those of Paul. Or, why not invite four or five friends for a nice autodivinazione through chicken entrails. Who knows. What is certain is that Paul has worked for fox, but my respect and my deepest sympathy. Not least because of the Moon in trine to Uranus, we have irrefutable evidence. The existence of an intrusive and old fancazzista that light from above, and the mouth of a gang of men wearing skirts (and then consider homosexuals "sick") purports to tell us how to live the lives that would have given us with a lot of "free will" built-in, I still had evidence.
idiocy of the superstitious, however, he's just had another one.

- The desire for the new year: that once the live TV show on Channel Sunday mass, brown wasp visitors in her living room a Satanist, an Islamic terrorist and Branko. Or the right to be heard is true only for the pro-life groups?

- Quote of the Day: "How more a person is religious, the more he believes, as most believe, much less know, the less you know, so it is more ignorant, more ignorant than you, so much easier to govern. "(J. Most)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Compere For A School Annual Day

Sometimes They Come Back ...

When you're stuck at home out of necessity rather than a desire, at some point not be able to get to more, amount to physical exhaustion is a psychological, a lethal mixture that can cause emotional Vajont. My great fortune to have next a partner who can support me by giving me the strength to go forward without completely out of my head. At least, any more than it already is. And it's nice every now and then flee together toward more serene beaches, even metaphorically. Places that are not (only) in space, but also over time. I'm a traditionalist unrepentant, the kind that "things were better when it was worse, it should by now know. So it should not surprise my sudden and obsessive return to the series, animated and not just the '80s. These days are the victim of a true obsessive-compulsive disorder, which leads me to search the web material of any kind, from vinyl letters taken from the episodes broadcast on television stations semi-clandestine schedules impossible. And it is strange to find many years later, again in front of people who have kept me company during boring afternoons or boring weekend. Odd forgotten them, considering how important they were, how they follow their passion, after all, innocent adventures. Strange to find that they do not, they have not forgotten me, and now find themselves again in a body of an adult child, new subsidiaries, strange, almost incredible designs and animations as well as dated and ridiculous can nailed to the screen more than any special effect treddì used in the films. Yes, I know, are prejudiced and narrow-minded, the new advances and he who hesitates is lost, embrace change, but if you look back, at least occasionally, you never know where you come from. And forget it can be fatal, because it likely to cheer and incense authors hailed as "brilliant" when, at most, are craftsman from around draw, adorned with a few drops of cold CG ideas and situations already proven by others, but with more feeling. If recycling the waste as recycled ideas, the world would never know the greenhouse effect. Allow me therefore pay tribute, with a small parade, some people who time and marketing have tarnished perhaps, but do not want to learn to surrender their relentless advance, often bastard offspring.

I wonder if these few pictures you have unleashed in a wave of pleasant memories, as well as always know how to provoke me. If you are going back in time when everything seemed simpler and could even afford to believe that yes, you can defeat the monsters. And if the return to reality is to you, devastating as it is for me, every time I see the monsters as they stole the circle of Evelyn and sockets Alvaro, replacing them as the aliens in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
what I mean? Spend more later, and you'll know.

-The news of the day: not your business.

-Quote of the morning "The stories tell more than the truth. And not just because they tell us that dragons exist, but why say that you can defeat." (GK Chesterton)

After Shaving Colour Skin

... sometimes not (but does not give the vulture) tax

Scilipoti Dominic is a former member of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(boiled), recently migrated to an imaginary "movement of national responsibility" co-founded by him, convinced that the Berlusconi government should be saved at all costs for the good of the country. Which country is not known. The fact is that as soon as you consume the betrayal, the machine locks inevitable retaliation of the Communist press. And here, therefore, from a troupe of Rome "Annozero, who immediately rushes to her in-laws' house in search of incriminating evidence with which our rubbish Thursday night. Nothing found, the barbarians armed with camera ford the Strait of Messina and rush to his mother's house novantunenne, sieges and tortured to the point where it fell down lifeless. The conscientious son, of course, immediately report what happened. Not the police, but two prominent journalists and notoriously impartial. That is, Maurizio Belpietro, director of "newspaper", and Emilio Fede. It would have been, perhaps, wiser, and recommended to the authorities, while taking away the fragile mother from the inevitable media wave back, but so much so, in the general chaos, poor Scilipoti should not have thought of. The problem is not even, or even both, if the two eminent journalists complained to whether or not true, I do not personally a little hard to imagine Ruotolo and relentlessly attacking an elderly Formigli methods to extract information from the KGB, but so . The thing (relatively) puzzling is the reaction of the audience, who immediately condemned the shameful assault trouppe the Bolsheviks, regardless of whether or not true. Already, sin is the same audience that rejoices in the afternoons in front of two and lives in direct, in the study are connected with journalists, or assumed, from the weather and dall'inedia exhausted after days and nights of continuous ambush locations where hath been consumed some tragedy, maybe family, even better if a sexual nature. It 'the same audience that complicates re-created ad hoc models of urinals in the late evening, he enjoys lucubrate with opinion in the study on the life and habits of victims and alleged perpetrators. The same public that has not lifted a brow in front of the post of "open study" that, aftermath of the earthquake in the Eagle, chased the children in tears amid the rubble to ask them "what do you feel now?". E 'in short, an audience of decerebration cathode morals at double speed, ideally radunatasi around the most vulgar representative of the tv-morbid sensationalism of recent years. That up there Miss, that between a push Vatican (not in that sense, it is too old for the tastes of the clergy) and a live human sacrifice (the magician Silvan, in a memorable episode of "Sunday") has come to be the queen of daytime, Rai Due, even bringing home a book which is the only nominee, and brings up the paparazzi by fabrizio corona serious investigative journalists. A book where, for a month now, there is deep thinking about the disappearance of a young girl of thirteen years, but she is looking for special morbid revelations burning, maybe a dead body. How lucky would be the first to break the news. What a nice additional boost to his career. Accusing her and her similar to speculate on the misfortunes of the people, however, triggered angry protests by the direct question and to the home of Voghera with such affection that both sexes follow. You and those like her, do real journalism, I'm really worried about the fate of the poor Yara. That maybe would like to return home, if only there were not all those journalists piled up front. And not one of "Annozero" to be given any blame.

-Chariots of Fire:

-Seeing is believing:

-Quote of the week: "A cynical, mercenary Press, sooner or later, will create an audience base." (J. Pulitzer)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Long Does Sealant Glue Take To Dry

There once was a farmer who, to escape their financial woes (Among others), decided to take the field into the political arena. For the good of the country, of course. Ineligible for the establishment, the employer paid to the policy he was elected again as Prime Minister. Vowing to defend the Constitution and laws. But you know, to a certain age there are some lapses of memory. Thus, in more than one occasion did not say that evade taxes, if they are deemed too high, it is a natural human right. Naturally, and rightly so, they rose up against this high lai invitation to crime. But it is undeniable that certain taxes evasion will really push us, not (just) the economic impact, because of their absurdity. Small demonstration. Read, and meditate.

If the landlord pays duty exposes the tricolor. And the payment is "double face": the flag waving

has lowered the flags in front of his hotel to protest against the unfair taxes once the licensee of advertising the town of Desio (Milan) the Calls for four years. Just € 178.14 per year for five flags: the flag, the flag of the European Union, that of Switzerland and England (who each pay a tax of € 30.98). Then there is the most expensive, taxed with € 54.22, the flag of the hooves of the Palio di Desio. A curiosity: the tricolor in the tax assessments for taxation is defined as "normal two-sided body, treated as a banner ad or a billboard and subjected to taxation. A rebel against the heavy tax Caslini Gianni, the owner with the children of a bed & breakfast in Desio, Hotel Saint John's avenue of Lombardy, which pays for four years being equal. "At first - says Gianni Caslini - the company responsible for collecting from the town, speaking of advertising signs, asked me to flag € 54.22, which were then reduced to € 30.98, except for the flag of the hooves of the Palio di Desio , a local manifestation of which strong proponent for which you pay € 54.22, no discounts. " Expensive, therefore, to remind the tourists grabs local event this year at XXII edition, created to promote and realize the historic commemoration of the Battle of Desio (January 21, 1277), a minor battle, but decisive in the transition from common worship for the city of Milan. "I immediately wondered how the flag can be considered an advertisement - explains Caslini - I put the flags because my hotel is frequented mostly by international customers and it seemed a good idea to show the pride of being Italian, to part of Europe. " Inquire more deeply Caslini discovered that the flags are paid by the ad hoc fee for each side. "Why, I have explained to the advertising agency, is seen waving on both sides, so that collection are in the folder called" Dump the normal two-sided "." Free to the wind, short, but doubly taxed because they are flying. To give an example to wave the flag has cost € 15.490 to the side, for a total of € 30.98 per year. Far waving the flag of the prize, € 27.110 to the side. The tax shall be according to the licensee under the municipal regulation on advertising approved in 1994 and amended in 1995 and also refers to the legislative decree 507/1993, which indicates that as the scope of outdoor advertising and public postings are subject to a tax or a right in favor of the municipality in which they are made. Decree that he never speaks directly of taxation of the flags, but Article 49 states that are not only taxed 'flagpoles. Perhaps the reference is to the advertising, not the flag. In the end, says Caslini, after much wrangling with the dealer's advertising, "I lowered the flags. So the tax gabellerà someone else. "

-The news of the day: berlusconi ready to consider any alternative to his resignation. Performance on the public square?

-Ipse dixit: "The truth is that if Berlusconi had not entered politics, unless he founded Forza Italy, today we would be under a bridge or in jail on charges of Mafia. The hell that took home the award in acquittal Mondadori. But that does not write it. " (Fedele Confalonieri, chairman of Mediaset, interviewed by Curzio Maltese)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunfish Detailed Rigging

thought Coffee break

Among the many cults of small-medium companies aspiring middle class that I miss, there is also the breakfast bar. I live like an "I" instead of as a "must". I am pleased with friends or with my partner, when it happens to take ten minutes to sip coffee and eat some pasta, throw in the commitments before the day's final break during which recharge the batteries completely. Most of the time, however, put the coffee maker on the stove at home, I open a carton of orange juice, some cookies and recovery begins the day fine. Indeed, it starts better, since they are not surrounded by both sexes Burini intent to exchange opinions on the latest football game, to tell their woes or rattle off theories socioeconomicopolitiche, typically at a decibel level too high. So when I see certain things, probably because I misjudged the missing piece of mind that prompts me to drag me out of the house at all costs to drink cappuccino from "Gigi the Troione, bar restaurant" in the belief that "it is mejo" and that the people of a certain level is only at the breakfast bar, including their own kind. It is probably the "level" that we do not agree. Neither I will be trooped, if only by accident, one of the "similar". So perhaps I am wrong, and not aspiring yuppies out of time. What I mean? Presto said. I leave early to go to the center of analysis, having to undergo a blood test. I'm on my car in one of the main streets of the country, still suspended in the limbo between sleep and wakefulness is typical of the early morning, when I see a car parked half on the sidewalk, half on the road, all across, all ' height of a curve with attached stop. Stuff that even the criminals at the end of TJ Hooker un'inseguimento with sudden and necessary abandonment of the medium. Only that the criminals would not have bothered to insert the four arrows. I hope that the machine has broken down, crashed, something, protest the two-tone of a bus, unable to bend, crushing my hopes, calling the bar a woman of easy virtue. In the sense that it seems out of a brochure from mall-like fashion apparel with claims, only a loss for the first week of November. vintage boots trudged up hastily by high heels, trendy jacket stuck in some way, acted hastily armed with a hand bag to cool the driver. To apologize or threaten him, who knows, however, in the end, the girl jumps into the car, free hastily sidewalk and the roadway ... and parked at the gate opposite, in defiance of the driveway. Also included with the four arrows. And with the same pace glamorous back in the bar, probably from the rest of her friends, to continue the sacred ritual of breakfast. Maybe cursing the rude driver, who even pretended to do his job. Things like that, the stars of "Sex and the City" (the reference model is inevitable that, as she is inevitably carrie), never happen. We only hope that some annoying condominium should not go out right now, forcing her to move the car again. It matters little if, for some ten meters away, there are all the empty parking lots and the machine I have it on hand, like the protagonists of my favorite fiction. And like them, I have to give me a breakfast among the people, so why do people of success, winning, with interesting and fulfilling lives. In short, more that one last moment of pause before throwing myself in daily tasks, a final moment of illusion, before falling back in the squalor of the call center or cash to the supermarket, waiting for mister big steps, while mulling over my misfortune. Of which, of course, is to blame someone else. Certainly not I, who is the protagonist of a film where the others are no more than extras. Like myself. What does the blood test, go home and put the moka on the stove with more satisfaction than usual.

-The news of the week: berlusconi abandon the policy just to make room for young people. Do not "to"?

-The phrase of the week: "Everybody does what he can, not to think about life." (F. Dellamorte)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bone Spur In Extraction Gum

Data & ridati

Meanwhile, we start with two duties sincerely. Not goodbye, because it would mean not to see them again. Instead, thanking God for your reference (if it has one), what they have done is indelibly imprinted in the world of the Seventh Art, and we just push the button "play" to hear of new neighbors ... despite the bitterness of knowing that, from today onwards, we will live sun replica.
Hello, Leslie. Hello, Mario.

to Bondi saran just two losses at all, were old, not painted, and even a communist, who committed suicide so far by the grace of his god of reference (not silvio, by the way). For sacks, two fewer people with whom to deal in an increasingly complex world of work. After all, for him, the army of unemployed in any way trying to pull a living are "most people [who] will provide the labor market encouraged by the recovery." "Fortunately." Frattini's opinion is not received, but since the cut of his latest apocalyptic utterances is probably better that way. It 'also likely to have given his whole self, irreparably mononeurone burning, in affirming that "Wikileaks wants to destroy the world and the international community, the real one, who wants to improve the world must react compact. A little 'as the professors of the old Japanese robotic urging the world to arm itself against improbable alien invasion, and was promptly mocked by the international community (that is false, at this point should be given some advice by Frattini, instead of choosing for themselves the interlocutors), until the first non-planar mechanical monster on Tokyo. Too bad that, from the 70s to the present, has gone a bit 'of time, and that the much-vaunted revelations organization of hackers dedicated to the worship of truth were not so revelatory. Obnoxious to American diplomacy, certainly embarrassing for some other head of state, but not so disruptive to "change the world", as had been announced. I mean, think frattini to address the Lord of Darkness Empire of Mycenae with its Armed Seven, and not realize you have in front of, at most, Garad K7. And while our foreign minister raves around the world, the real one, has gone on more or less as usual. The Berlusconi government continues to sink on sight, made in the reform of universities marystar gelmini went to the room with so many, some not, and many bah (but who knows if he will never in force, with the sword of Damocles over the vote of confidence of 14 December), students complain (but real ones are at home to study, let us know the Prime Minister disappointed, obviously waiting for visits by students involved with the thesis), " Unity "initiative launched by the usual oratory of the signatures pro-Saviano, just because he felt those launched against ... likely to resolve the issue, it will take a violent confrontation to "witch witch controls color" or "you've got it." In the background, Peter continues to make the best of himself talking nonsense enough to rehabilitate even Frattini (no, come on, now I do not exaggerate), Bersani climbed on a roof in solidarity with the students (and those, strangely, Do not throw it below), and we have a new head of culture nell'adc pion, namely the Deborah Caprioglio that so many unforgettable moments of masturbation gave to several generations of Italian ". He tried to recycle as a serious actress, after the splendours of paprika, the spy in marina and the lessons of sex (with?) Pirlik robot in the early 90s. The failed attempt, blurred the opportunity to raise with the "Island of the Famous 5", nothing could make Mrs. Maresca if not rediscover their sense of civic duty, devoting himself to politics in the semi-clandestine party of exiled UDC , founded by his wife of her championships. In the next term, if so give me 'time, Voting will be replaced by the boring interesting cat-fight in the foam of the most provocative parliamentary representatives. We could get rid of Berlusconi, in a fortnight, but get rid of Berlusconi is another matter entirely. Nothing new, in short, everything you drag into the mud stirred usual. Just as the inevitable analysis of Adusbef and Federconsumatori for Christmas 2010. Will record a -3% in sales compared to 2009. Which recorded a 35% over 2008. Which recorded a 20% over 2007. Interestingly, for the most important feast of Christianity, the index is "with how / what" and not "how" will be celebrated. Final blow, the Mestre CGIA, this mysterious association issuing press only on weekends, announces that for the Christmas 2010 an Italian four will not even have a gift. "Caught" was my first thought. Just as they caught me in 2009. And in 2008. Why the years pass, but the numbers and the events associated with them remain the same. Despite the fact that assange, and the warnings of Professor Frattini.

-The cartoon of the week:

-The phrase of the week: "Logic will take you from A to B.L 'imagination will take you everywhere. (A. Einstein) "

Friday, November 26, 2010

Uk Companies Ordered By Market Cap

Supergulp: Video De Maria at One Morning, the TV commercial (and on the radio Franco Godi 29/11 , when you leave the "Special Tex")

Here's the video interview given to One Morning by Guido De Maria Supergulp on November 19!

And yet look at the TV commercial launch of DVD collection of Supergulp, on sale from 29 November :

Nick Carter, Tex, Lupo Alberto, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Giumbolo, Alan Ford, Corto Maltese, Cocco Bill and other icons of comics back in 17 precious DVD dedicated to the legendary transmission of Guido De Maria and Giancarlo Governments, together with the Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport on TV and Smiles and Songs.
The gem of the collection, I really miss, is the DVD's opening series, on sale from November 29, entitled "Special TEX" a number "zero" whole new that contains:
• "El Muerto" the first episode spectacular (since 1979)
• Interview with Sergio Bonelli Giancarlo Governments (October 2010) •
two completely new comics on TV, directed by Guido De Maria : Lupo Alberto and Eye Chicken
• And more: Spiderman and Nick Carter in two unpublished cartoons since 1981.

Plan expenditure of the series: No
"0: 29/11/2010:" SPECIAL "TEX
No 01: 06/12/2010: NICK CARTER
No 02: 13/12/2010: SPIDER-MAN
No 03: 20/12/2010: No
CORTO MALTESE 04: 27/12/2010: No
No 06: 10/01/2011: No STURMTRUPPEN
07: 17/01/2011: The Phantom No
08: 24/01/2011: THE LEGENDARY THOR
No 09: 31/01/2011: Mr. Rossi
No 10: 07/02/2011: SPIDER-MAN
No 11: 14/02/2011: ALAN FORD
No 12: 21/02/2011: JAK MANDOLIN
No 13: 28/02/2011: FANTASTIC FOUR
No 14: 07/03/2011: NICK CARTER
No 15: 14/03/2011: MANDRAKE
No 16: 3/21/2011: GIUMBOLO

way: Mondays always' Nov. 29 (not applicable), 21:00, arrives on RadioAnimati , , the "Special Franco Godi," the interview "Mr. Jingle, author of most of the music and initials of Supergulp (on texts by Guido De Maria), in which he speaks of jingles, soundtracks and advertising jingles of course.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Information About Susten 200 Tablets

Once there were cartoons of EC Comics, and those, for comparison, presented by Uncle Creepy and the like. Stories of horror and noir starring the grandsons of the collective imagination of the classic monsters, mad scientist from the werewolf to the atomic monster. More often victims executioners, and in a world that does not even try to understand them, preferring to immediately condemn them for their deformity, physical or mental. One day, Professor Fredric Wertham came clean, that tells the world how the comics were a ruin for young minds, an easy target for some suggestions. It 's the guy who, without mincing words, suggested a homosexual relationship between Batman and Robin-pedophile, is the guy who indirectly led to the creation of the notorious American comics code, a sort of self-publishers that they may not carry, in their publications, confusing messages, or assumed. Among the delusions, an expressly prohibited to appear in the stories of vampires, zombies, werewolves and other assorted monsters. The usual gossips claim that it was a maneuver specifically designed by Marvel and DC, and publisher of Spider-Man and Batman, to derail the EC Comics, which as we said with the freak and had supported himself the first publisher of the time. Of course, who thinks it is a conspiracy, and the fact that the EC has really failed, because of the impediment above, is a pure coincidence. This happened in the 50s in amerDica, and since then, with lots and lots of patience, the monsters have returned from exile and more vigorous than ever. Well, almost. However, not everywhere. Indeed, we think that the concept of "monster", meaning instead of as a prodigy to be disgusting (as it was originally) has expanded dramatically, to include our own daily lives. So we are left with embarrassing commercials and dramas where the protagonists are all beautiful, or at least fascinosissimi, wearing clothes cut firmatissimi custom, live in beautiful and spacious apartments (and overflowing with books that probably have never even picked up) that no living being could afford with their income and are, of course, very good, kind and live in close-knit families. Practically, the denial of reality in which everyday reel, made up of studios, quarrelsome families, small and great cunning at the expense of naive and three shirts for five euro by the Chinese. If, for performing requirements must also be a hideous creature of some kind, can have only two roles: the villain to be defeated, or the pet that inspires tenderness. "I'm a man!" Shouted John Merrick in The Elephant Man " David Lynch; cesaroni's laugh in the face, open trial we would open the defending children who have stoned, the vaiassa submit an application for urgent parliamentary send him to a dungeon. Now, I understand that the purpose of entertainment is to project ourselves into inaccessible worlds, making us believe they can really achieve, sooner or later, and then everything should be as fabulous and wonderful. Just buy this yogurt, to be happy and fit as the marcuzzi. But then you realize that the situation is overflowing beyond all decency when, one Sunday morning, the groom will find this text and teletext news

Luigi and Daniela. Alive by a miracle. He quoted the captain of one of the teams in the league of Excellence of the Lazio, Albalonga. Her 28 year old with some prior racing, nice, vibrant, beautiful. They share what is called 'sudden death'. Their heart, without warning, a terrible day it stopped beating. But their story has a happy ending. With a moral. You can not leave to chance persone.E the safety of all public places should be equipped with defibrillators. And as many people as possible trained to use them.

I wonder if Louis and Daniel would still miraculously alive if he was a metalworker overweight with perspiration problems and acidity daniela spinster with varicose veins and a past as cashier at the bifurcation. Their heart, a terrible day, has stopped beating, fortunately. Louis greasy overalls and legs of Daniel was a show indecent and offensive, in the district. A story with a happy ending, with (a) moral write "two people as many" would be was too simple. Why anyone would bother to save them, or be trained for.

-The news of the week: round Mara Carfagna defines a heritage of all the pdl. Do not you ever say that Silvio not divide with his subjects.

-The phrase of the week: Who fight monsters must take care not to become a monster himself. (FW Nietzsche)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Charmane Star Lesbiens

De Maria presents the return of One Morning "Supergulp."

Guido De Maria will be a guest on Rai Uno, Friday, November 19, One Morning in , transmission conducted by Michele Cucuzza , to present the new edition of the DVD collection dedicated to "Supergulp! in Comics Tv ", a project produced by RAI Trade, which is reviving the legendary broadcast Guido De Maria and Giancarlo Governments. Comics on TV who enjoyed generations of viewers, aired from 1972 to 1981, will be back on sale from 29 November in a new edition full of new and exclusive extras: Tex, Nick Carter, Wolf Alberto, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Giumbolo, Alan Ford, Corto Maltese, Sturmtruppen, Mandrake, Cocco Bill and other icons of comics. The collection consists of 17 precious DVD, on sale every week with Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport and TV Smiles and Songs, proposes animated comics old and new, accompanied by dossiers which reconstruct the history of Supergulp!, authors and their characters. A collection for the children of yesterday, today and tomorrow, whose gem, really miss, is the DVD's opening series, on sale from November 29 , entitled "Special TEX" seen before.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Invitation Kavithai In English

Apollo Court (ll) the

can not always run well, some minor setbacks, sooner or later, has to happen. Fortunately, what prevented me to go to work as usual this week, is one of those serious but not serious. Very frightened, in short, but could have been worse. Fact is, more or less stuck at home, I started to follow the Teletext, which recently avoided because of anxiety problems that I had to mention ... and if it puts forward the view that the next term, the league will be even more powerful than it is now, I do not know what to do that. However, it is not my intention to discuss the political situation, the usual rigmarole of tape, always equal to themselves, and of Cicchitto Capezzone and Bersani and Peter and many now are so desperate boring to merit no comment. Nor am I interested in talking about the transmission of the revelation, that "come with me" led by one of the worst couples ever (the always ambiguous and increasingly saviano doormat Fazio). I'm just glad to see the tummy that is causing all'azzannatore police and the suffering from distemper forward to marriage. Rich rewards to those who guess the identity of these two individuals. No, no, no politics, this time, if only because I'm not going to vote in March. Yes, back in the ranks of the abstainers. Unless you are a true progressive white as Rufus T. Firefly. I prefer to share with you a reflection on a couple of seemingly unrelated news. The one you should all know: the five immigrant who, he of Brescia, climbed up a crane to get permission to stay. The loop had yet to beat the news, which already centers, unions and other onlookers were in a procession to bring their "solidarity". What happened on the most useless of social networks, or faccialibro, I can just imagine it, because from the cloaca up to humanity I keep well away. A hive of little logo, small group, badges, proclaim such as "we are all immigrants" and so decerebration. Why Solidarity on the Web is so beautiful and not binding, allowing among other things to get around comfortably syndrome "NIMBY." I'd be curious to know how many of those who send the message Page eurino with care for the baby then go and serve a hot meal at the soup kitchen, or to purchase the bracelets inevitable that the inevitable look immigrant of delivering just sticking its head out of the car parked in a cool place. Thomas Labranca in a beautiful "Collateral" which alas I have not kept, quotes the case of a woman in Romania, fully integrated, killed during a robbery a few weeks ago, talking about how none of Protestants so much per pound had risen a voice to condemn the incident. The woman in question, as fully integrated and leading a normal life, was not doing good handle on the operetta by the usual supporters of the unfortunate on duty. And here we arrive at the intersection with the five migrants on the crane. Sunday, just in the hot days of protest from Brescia, a farmer commits suicide seventy, in Treviso, in despair at the failure of its small footwear company. Two lines on teletext. That last blink of an eye. No demonstration of solidarity ciggiellecisluil-centers-grillini-IDIV-straccionidaltraestrazione. No little logo on facebook, I guess. So, it's just an entrepreneur. A master. A Marchionne in pectore. Who cares if he commits suicide, will certainly have got some skeletons in the closet, so do not think that is the people who are so indignant. Much better to focus on migrants, the homeless, the laid off; here, especially on the latter, they are victims of unscrupulous employers. The father shaking the bag of seven hundred euro a month in front of the camera makes us feel so close to him, the union that supports it, and convinced him to join, has found a way to tap 10% of the monthly annuity starvation. Happens then, perhaps, that the owner of the company calls pasionaria in the workshop, to demonstrate that it is not all that insensitive monster they think. Ringing the Ipod, exhausted by hunger and laid off ordering his wife to turn down the volume of plasma big screen on which is watching marcuzzi lead the new round of instruction in the beasts of the Big Brother house. The children, in the other room are silenced with an exclamation; need to do all this mess, while playing with the newest game in the PS12?? Puffing, the pater familias cassintegratus touches the touch screen. Ehylà, boss. What, back to work tomorrow? I can not. I have already booked to go skiing with the family. No, no, there are also next week, we are on until late December. But what do you think that I am here waiting for you to call me? I have my own life, I am here waiting for your mica comfortable, dirty capitalists! The receiver gets banged hard on the fork. The pater familias cassintegratus back muttering to read the comments of solidarity on his Facebook profile. And waiting to see how many there will be when the director, the bastard, I will fire through negligence. Who knows why.

-The news of the day: Maroni wants a face to face with Saviano. Analysts will need a week to distinguish it from the other end.

-Quote of the Day: "Do not just do good, we must also do it well." (D. Diderot)


Duncan Jones,
with Sam Rockwell, Dominique McElligott, Benedict Wrong
Sci, 97 minutes
Released in 2009. Or so they say.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Salary Of A Ccie In India

Inside - À l'intérieur by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury (France 2007)

Sarah, a young photojournalist, next to give birth, is spending Christmas Eve awaiting transfer to the clinic. At night, someone knocks on his door ... as a dark and deadly fate awaits?

There are many doubts that the vision of Inside sprout leaves in the mind of the viewer. From sterile questions about how to be evolving (in negative) to the tastes of horror fans, always generous to a never-ending deluge of flattery if to meet his or her claim is an industrial quantities of tripe to be served, to questions concerning the pretext dell'incedere narrative filmmakers opted Bustillo and Maury to pack their debut, duo in the control room, after a good opening words, full of negativity and leaden in distress, dampens any attempt to drown the audience in the atmosphere by a blood feast nonstop: barren, useless, caracollante in its one-dimensional. A pity that the film, after the incredible first twenty minutes, beginning to creak , with its banal attempts to hit us with fears that seem to effect be the mast of a decrepit old now.

It can be stricken, psychologically destroyed by something, if a positive environment, from cotton, suddenly deteriorates into a negative. Will I go hungry if only from one day to suddenly be deprived of food, not if I was born, raised and used to living with a loaf of bread, because that's always been my status quo and only know that side of happiness. Inside plugs directly into the second "philosophy" of life, taking care to grow up and stuff it viewer with a series of futility as scissors in their hands, heads exploding one after another to increase the killing and try to get the canonical hours. You end up with very soon become hardened to the rampant ferocity, that spreads without interruption until the final good, therefore, manageable docile as a lamb, one without all cartridges and no shots are fired intermittently. Quell'intermittenza which would serve to juggle with the best information available and sink the blade at the right time. Timing is completely missing the two directors who prefer to put the fate skill in the work of others. resounding Own goal. And the script simply does not exist.

A film that, to implement the programmatic his gait, he uses two great actresses: Beatrice Dalle, without which, probably, the French would splatterone involuntary borders on the ridiculous. Not so much the technical data (normal) to represent the positive points, as the look of this perennially insane Black Reaper, so resentful and hateful of revenge from us send a shiver down my spine ... hoping not to be ever to do with guys like this ... E leading to further reflection. As some players have the balance the fate of a movie and make useless any attempt to annex the outcome (positive) of a work to talentuosità and skill of directors, which here is close to zero. These are not actresses of the second category, for which the director has to direct its efforts to encourage, give directives and dictates for you to give the best. The example of school Rob Zombie with Bill Moseley in La Casa del Diavolo (The Devil's Rejects) . Those who follow the ups and downs and behind the scenes of the film will understand how the actor who plays Otis on the set, and committed a whole series of problems (physical, Psychology, emotional) resulting from being dropped into the shoes of a ruthless character ( Moseley, in fact, after the movie, will not be repeated ever more tired and offering services free of biting, lazy). This stands as a director, in some cases, can bring out the best from people - if you leave without a guide - reel mediocrity in general. From the other hand, showed a continuous high level of performance in any film ... in Cannibal Love , film semantic certainly more difficult and grade of this splatter of grain, which accounts for more than a healthy walk to work (however imperfect) of Claire Denis.

The other positive note is made of Alysson Paradis, able to reveal the true meaning of terror resulting from being hunted down in the house with death in person.

I've never been a supporter of the current French and I think the General should be left to general indifference. If it is true that things are working well beyond the Alps, and there has sparked a revolutionary movement that has marked the last decade of horror movies, served on a silver platter as film Saint Ange , High Voltage , Calvaire (Franco-Belgian co-production), A Child's Game and Martyrs, is also true that not all elements of that revolutionary movement should be incensed. Inside is one of them.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Victorian Gown For Rent

1959: his voice booming, announces the start of the show. But the curtain does not want to know to open. To appease the public, was sent in haste on stage Tatischeff, the great illusionist. And the protests quickly turned into thunderous applause, while the lanky magician engages in the number of flowers from tissue and rabbit (obese) from the cylinder. Thus begins, with these images in a strict black and white classic, "The Illusionist" the new film by Sylvain Chomet, author of the spectacular and poetic "The Triplets of Belleville" in 2003.

Distributed in Italy by Sacher Nanni Moretti (and shamefully released in one cinema in the province of Milan &; remember, the next time you hear about safeguarding bondi Culture), the second by the French director is taken from an original screenplay by Jacques Tatischeff, one of the most famous French artists, who died in 1982. It is therefore no coincidence that the protagonist of this poetic, poignant animated classic (remember this the next time a biNbominKia in pectore will magnify the emotions of treddì) is precisely the animated version of the great French actor and director, nor that Chomet has added to the original version some biographical elements and gifts to celebrate both Tati himself as an art form as irretrievably lost for ever: that of vaudeville, the artists who did their best to entertain and have fun with their audiences, without worrying too much cash is collected.

art for art's sake, to satisfy themselves, rather than to get the villa in Monaco. Ventriloquists, clowns, magicians, as they both finished the dregs foul-mouthed and lacking in talent that plagued the television stage, and from there then overflows into the theater, remains a mystery. Or maybe not, maybe the answer is all in an increasingly listless, distracted, falsely demanding, ready to scream hysterically for the boy band of the moment as he is unavailable to give space and attention to the great artists of the past, destined to endless pilgrimages embarrassing to perform in festivals open-air taverns and third-rate.

Just one of these, more and more disheartened Tatischeff meet Alice, a girl so impressed with his tricks that he decided to leave his life as a scullery maid to follow him to Edinburgh. A delicate relationship, the other, made up of gestures and glances, even before the words. Yes, because to further underscore the lack of communication between the protagonist, the repository of a past of honesty and commitment, and the new spreads, because of phenomena "use-and-dispose" of noise and glitter (Emblematic in this sense The sequence with the rising stars of music rock, or the one with the juke box), the film is almost completely silent, a few dialogues, always in original language, with Alice, which is expressed in his Scottish Tatischeff mumbled in French essential, direct and friendly.

few words, yes, because the gestures are talking. The smiles and the kindness of the girl to the old illusion, nell'ingenua belief that he is really a magician like fairy tales. Small gifts and sacrifices with which he thanked his unexpected companion, able with his enthusiasm to give back a minimum of self-confidence, purpose. A quirky family, he her, the obese and short-tempered rabbit, which does not want to sit in the cylinder and never fails to bite anyone who approaches.

In its way, a happy family (we laugh and not a little taste, in fact) despite Tatischeff to agree to work more and more humiliating and deal with the pettiness of people who only think about profit. Maybe he thought he could do it, the great illusion, to survive the rampant cynicism, perhaps thinking that the fate of many other colleagues, he would not be touched. At least, not until Alice would have believed in him. It was a Hollywood movie, a happy ending in this way would have been granted. Nor were the ventriloquist increasingly less and less attached to the bottle and his snowman, or clown, which (unwittingly) saved from suicide by a plate of rabbit stew (!!!!) prepared by Alice. Or, if there were, they would have a very different role. Caricaturist and comforting. Chomet, however, does not seek to reassure us, let alone think of getting away with a sloppy final.

Destiny is all there, in that doll in the window of an abandoned junk. In its former owner, forced to beg. In the casual glance out the window of Alice's Room hotel he shares with his foster father. So little is enough to break the spell last illusionist, so little to call it, hard, reality. In a ruthless game of contrasts, the fate takes its course, inevitable, bitter, hopeless. Under a driving rain, the streets are divided, the lights go out, does not remain even more time, or inclination, for a final spell. Everything is finished, but no tears. Already, when the lights are ablaze in the room, crying on the shoulder of my friend (from what I held in tears? If it were not for her, how much longer I would have foolishly kept inside of me?). Tatischeff crying for the ventriloquist, clown, Alice ... but especially for the rabbit. I cried because I felt, as never before, the weight of what we are losing every day, every day of what we throw in those processes which are voracious our lives, punctuated by the frenetic pace and false models. I was crying, and I'm a bit ashamed 'of myself. Even now, looking back, I shed a tear line, the face, preventing me from seeing the screen. And I finally understand. This is the last great prodigy illusionist, even more than the rabbit from the hat, to draw out the feelings of someone so vivid and deep. I was the only one in the world to have reacted like that. Magic, after all, exist. Just knowing how to see.

The Illusionist-Sylvain Chomet
Animation, 80 minutes
France-Great Britain 2010
Distributed in Italy by Sacher
NOT theatrical release on October 29

-Quote of the Day: "The magic does not exist." (Tatischeff, in his farewell note to Alice)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hindu Wedding Card Matter

The Illusionist (In) justice for all

And here we go again. A little 'late to the roadmap, and ensure a post about a week, but so much so, the commitments are those that are time as well, and the second is rarely sufficient to deal with first. However, in the coming days the situation should change drastically. The better. As I mentioned some time ago, in fact, I had to undergo some tests to determine whether certain types of ailments that afflict me a bit 'of time now they had a physical or were caused by external causes. In the words of Corrado Guzzanti, "the second you said," as indeed he had imagined someone (hello, Sophie !^^). Which means, in a nutshell, I'll have to get rid of all those activities that make me rotten blood as soon as possible, before making the end of Bill Foster. Perhaps before I could afford it, allow me also to be stupidly self-destructive, not today, because my responsibility to those that I care really, those I love, also pass from the care of myself. Trivial concept, but if my wonderful girlfriend I had not pointed out in several ways and on several occasions, perhaps I would not have come alone. This is what happens to grow with the myth of the heroes hard & pure, committed to self sacrifice. So, hang in the coming days a lot 'of things to the nail, and I'll pull down a lot of others I had put there almost without realizing it. Including the time to devote to my novels and stories, still by far too long. This could be, almost certainly, one of the causes of the problem, because writing has always been one of my vent valves. And these days, I found reason to vent a lot. One in particular. A few days ago, in fact, I went with his partner in above to the presentation of a book focusing on the Italian prison life. Or rather, on what passes for "life" in dilapidated structures, overcrowded and terribly inadequate, where the number of deaths this year alone, is 127 inmates. Including 47 suicides. The others have gone into the realm of more because of unspecified "incidents". And are given in September, these. Now, that justice in Italy is not something on which functions more or less all authors and participants of the meeting, we agreed. But then you go to analyze the reasons, and here your Bobby pulls up a hornet's nest of those who only he can unleash. How does it do? Simply by observing, or trying to observe, that the legal system Italian does not work for one simple reason: because that makes the laws are criminals, some with past judgments already final, then definitively convicted (perhaps to attack a public official, such as the innards of the Minister Maroni, what if he's not glorify the police the snaps at the calf), who study the legal mess thesis to avoid condemnation to themselves at the expense of the unfortunate by insufficient income to secure a Mavala Ghedini. So that ends up being a stick or burn a DVD is worse than a crack on the street bank that sends thousands of small savers. And when the law on class action, no longer put off, is finally launched, it is so cumbersome as to be almost useless, since even retroactively. Tanzi thank all ages, the audience is lifted, because, as he wants to let me know a well-dressed lady, "if justice does not work in Italy is not the fault of politics, but of the judiciary." Choirs from Auditorio assendo, while my jaw drops to the ground, nearly killing my wife, no less shocked. And so on to rattle off the misdeeds of the judges of "clean hands", i am sick of involvement to seek TV fame in caring about human life, weaves some of the praise and Enzo Tortora Gabriele Cagliari, innocent victims of a brutal justice. The second I also agree on first, self-confessed tangentaro, definitely not, however, the true worth remembering that in Italy there is a little thing called "mandatory prosecution" and that perhaps are much more inhuman certain processes carried out in the living rooms TV in favor of cameras on the basis of allegations and suspicions which may, as yes, destroy the lives of people not looking for fame and notoriety. But it seems to understand something beyond the ability of anyone, even the same speakers, who still do not feel quite foolish on my speech. The rest is a paean to criticism of the judiciary and its victims, of course those famous celebrities and victims of a ferocious tenacity judiciary, I'd pull A new stones when, inevitably, it turns out for "pedophilia." Why suddenly the charitable ladies of both sexes, which until then recited psalms and biblical aphorisms of their Lord Jesus (really!), they become ruthless beasts, being pedophiles unforgivable, beyond any possible redemption, which instead should be given all other detainees. So, with pedophile priests, with the omission and intimidating attitude of the Vatican-ano, as you may be asking, dear sir? I would like to ask, but there is not time. The presentation is over, and we go quite bitter, aware once again that the lobotomy CRT continues with very good results on the Italian medium. A day wasted and detrimental to my already tried the nervous system? Not at all, apart from those few hours, things went wonderfully, and could not be otherwise. And yet those two hours I came up with something useful. Or rather, remote out of a drawer of memory. There will be no way to talk about it soon ... for now suffice it to one word: "Pamplona".
I'll try not to let too long with the curiosity ... until then, listen quietly.

-The news of the week: berlusconi involved in a new sex scandal with a minor in Morocco. I was hoping for a cat fight with Naomi, but it seems that they have already swallowed Calderoli and Borghezio tests.

-The phrase of the week: "The voice of the majority is no guarantee of justice." (JCF von Schiller)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Women Separation Is The Only Solution

My michelle

Teletext Page 140 rai, "From Italy". Fourth news, just below the new chapters of the weapon of mass distraction of the moment (the murder of Scazzi will, for the distracted) and almost equal with the garbage emergency in Terzigno (but was not over?) "Arrested michelle hunziker stalker. " The cathode-ray free world rejoices, my brow furrows. Again? But there had already arrested some months ago? A google quickly confirms that, despite the age, my memory still works quite well, the worthy "Fireman of the evening" makes me know that the situation is even more compessa than I imagined. It appears that the former Mrs. ramazzotti is the preferred target of virtually any human male will make eye contact:

At which point the life of this virginal girl is threatened by a plethora of horny that, in an escalation of lyricism, he claims to feel his unnecessary law on stalking strongly supported by the equally useless Minister Mara Carfagna too many opportunities. That prior to swallowing the evidence, reaching the ministerial seat which now occupies, was the hunziker colleague.
What's up, Bobby sbertuccia victims to defend the stalker, so called because, as is known, use the terms Inglese is very cool and more people understand a little less ? Not at all, are and remain with the idea that certain individuals, including even put the pedophiles, the only effective treatment is castration, not necessarily chemistry. I know, is very like the League idea, but even a broken clock tells the time right twice a day. Unless it is one of those digital as Gasparri. So no, no defense for sex offenders. But capiamoci the term. And let's priorities. Did not take long, in fact, to believe that several copies of my sex gets too much attention towards a woman who has the charm, and the reflected light of his marriage ended now *, much of its current success. I find it difficult, however, think that the rest of the show, and not only Italian, has nothing to do with people like that. Both sexes. Because, even though we like to think otherwise, there are well loosen in a skirt, those ready to commit suicide if the biNbominKia just released by the X factor of the moment refused to smile. Or those who, years ago, less than you think, swarming in Manchester from all over Europe pitch their tents in the home of Take That. It was not just teenage hormones raging. So perhaps the phenomenon is much more varied and complex than they think the company rewarded carfagna-hunziker-company, with the first in the small clothes dell'Erin Noantri Brockovich. As such, therefore, scope to deal with half marks its peers and make every lascivious wink a domestic case, thanks to the press complicit, after all, everyone does what he can to be talked about. Also use his daughter as a human shield for the paparazzi in passing, or to have the two pages monthly magazines gossippare so dear to the home of Voghera. Those who might be outraged by the maniacs that plague their girlfriend cathodic rejoice when they are arrested and tear their clothes in case of an acquittal ... but said nothing of neighboring if the husband when he returns home at night, filling the barrel. Or, and is the worst case, they do not dare to rebel against the first abusive husband, children thugs to bully guy. 'Cause I'm like that, you must understand, not condemn them. And if, stoves of the violence seen or experienced, daring to lift his head and denounce ... eh well, but it was really the case? The dirty laundry is best to wash them at home. And if the situation has reached this point, maybe some blame the victim also has it, he deserved some punch. Not like michelle. She is so sweet, dear, good. See how it goes well, topless.

-Link of the Day: this explains why the law on stalking is a red thrush: & id = 519: stalking-the-law-who-helps-the-lawyers & catid = 1: last = 29 & Itemid

But we are indulgent, from carfregna you could not wait any longer.

-Quote of the Day: "When you come back home to your wife, always by a slap. You do not know why, but she did." (Italian proverb popular, both because we like to be consistent.)

* I remember now that, in an old interview on "TV smiles and cocks" (I think), the hunziker told the journalist he had known minogue " because it followed him everywhere like a shadow, and he finally noticed me. " Stalking!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Watching Her Masterbate

A and something years ago

A year and something ago, with all the ingenuity of the case, I started this blog, version of the twin born a few weeks before on myspace. Recently wrecked because of the censorship that prevents stupid to remember the origins and ideals of the Nazi German shepherd, with many apologies to the dogs. When these were blog aperti, avevo un programma abbastanza ambizioso, che non pochi ritennero una violazione della Convenzione di Ginevra: ammanirvi un post al giorno, week end esclusi, disquisendo con voi di politica, costume, società, cinema, fumetti e letteratura, senza soluzione di continuità. Qua e là vi avrei anche redarguito sull’avanzamento, o sull’avanzato stato di decomposozione, dei miei nuovi lavori narrativi. Un anno e qualcosa fa, il progetto suonava già ambizioso, considerata la media dei blog sparsi per la rete, aggiornati in maniera discontinua o lasciati a morire nella risacca del web. Però era fattibile: dopotutto, ero a casa in cassa integrazione, senza impegni di rilievo, padrone assoluto del mio tempo. La mattina I prepare the post for the blog, the afternoon continue with my stories on the evening me on my own, entrenched behind a good book, a good comic book, a good movie. Then, unfortunately or fortunately, things began to change. The company is working again, albeit in fits and starts, a few more in union commitment, private matters and everyday, sometimes pleasant and sometimes not, which concentrate. But still, even there I could. Maybe getting short of breath, but still managed to dish up your (good?) Post daily, carrying on the activities of hack. But by May the weather has been gradually decreasing. Up to disappear almost completely in recent weeks, if I stated the first I needed 72-hour days to do what I had to move and a bit 'of time for me, now should I have available, some that last at least twice, to attend to my business without me being a nervous breakdown and be successful, however , to write something on here without sacrificing the adventures of Fredrick, Emma and companionship. I tried, as long as I could. But when, taking advantage of a lull, you see that your main activity, the one on which you want to invest time and resources, is stopped at the stake for more than two months while the unperturbed blog goes, it means that you reconsider your priorities. A moment: Bobby is telling us to close the blog? No. Bobby you're just saying that, at least until January will change a bit 'of things, because I have to get back a bit' up with the writing in the narrative sense. So, instead of the usual post daily, there's one a week, which will review the situation in general. Maybe even more than one, it is not, certainly not less. Why this space, and you animate it, was born almost by accident, but over time has become increasingly important, because it gives me 'way to vent, let me in, reflect, confront and deal with. I also like to think that, somehow, has created a small community of enthusiasts, quieter but no less attentive. So, rest assured, "Memories From The Severe "does not close and does not disappear, it slows down just a little '. Just enough to take a breather, both me and you. And as soon as we'll be all rested for good ... off to a thousand other incredible speculations.

-Quote of the Day: "Infinite things to do, so little time." (J. Napier)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Laserlipolysis In Phuket

Round Table-The End of the Empire (and I Feel Fine) "The Board of the week

Therefore, there is the spokesperson-racks, toilet-brush holder from the president of Confindustria, the arpisella Rinaldo, one of those figures that nobody knows about it until reporters or presumed not shoot the name on the front page. There are journalists or assumed, the world Nicholas Leek and Alessandro Sallustio, snipers hired the pay (nominal) of the brother of Prime Minister, that Paolo Berlusconi who delights to go to jail instead of the more famous silvio. Premier pair leek-Sallustio is suspected of having put up a dossier against alleged Marcegaglia. Suddenly the two men discovered the professional ethics? Macchi. The number of manufacturers had a duty to pay for daring to criticize the government, refusing even to the time the sirens of the Board of pederast, who had the nice thought of proposing it as Minister of Economic Development in a legendary meeting of Confindustria in May of this 'year:

At the moment, against the premiership company P & S there is no evidence against, because the phantom file is still not blown out. There are only a few minutes of phone calls, sufficient to turn in his grave to see what the big Montanelli excrement work in what was a glorious newspaper he founded. If you feel the earth shake, you know who is to blame. And if you do not have the salami slices on the eyes, you should have noticed the fatal descent, at breakneck speed, taken by events. Because when you start to shoot zero on what you have suggested, or Confederation of the church are called, means that you're in trouble. Serious trouble, if it is a legitimate reaction to criticism rather than on the work of a governing majority that, in fact, no longer exists. Fini's fault, guilty of having said "the emperor has no clothes" and have behaved accordingly? Yes and no. Why berlusconi fourth (or third, now has been lost count) has fallen long before the "scandal" of the house of an in Monaco, tack from that other hound in the sense of dog and with apologies to the best of friends 'man, felt. It down was, again, the historical ally. What they already caused the premature death of some fifteen years ago. But since then, boxwoods, chestnuts and other airline have come a long way. The maxitangente Enimont for which he was sentenced the leader of the Carroccio, conviction for assault and resisting a public officer to the minister imposed the innards (for the calf to have bitten a police officer during a search, and then the Indians are the non-EU), the investigations against Calderoli for receiving stolen goods. The average Po, and by extension Italiot, has forgotten all this. If you ever knew. And in the case, everything is a conspiracy of the usual politicized judiciary. When non of those "hidden powers, strong, and unidentified flying" that both like to conspiratorial ages. The truth is much less mysterious and spectacular, and can be summarized as follows:
-unbalanced disqualified from sitting on a pile of money earned somehow, served and revered by a bevy of prostitutes do not necessarily female (which, if necessary, dispense rich gifts and public office) is convinced, rightly, to be able to what he wants in the country which considers him a sort of Lord's anointed. For a while, 'the little game he is able, thanks to its monopoly of the media, which is almost the sole owner. Then his friends overseas financiers make it out of the jar, the world strikes a ton harder the economic crisis from the 30s to today, and all wake up as if by magic. So to speak, of course, the aspiring ducetto however, despite the CEPU on the dictatorship vladimir the friend, loses more support. Yes, sometimes the luck comes in handy unleashing some misfortune behind which hide the various scandals, if you miss it takes a matter of crime and whatever becomes a national event (if only his uncle but he was admitted , dirty communist!), but the impression is that now the conjuring trick no charms almost anyone, although we still have cases of attacks of laughter remembering the ambush in Mauritius Belpietro. In all this, William Wallace to gamma rays have taken the helm and guide the ship, the smiling face turned to the sun (the Alps, of course) and want to play cat and mouse, no, no early elections But .... Nearby, the only politician that exists in Italy, that is Gianfranco Fini, sharpen their weapons and prepare to do battle, with a wink to the friends of the past. In the background, a well-known farmer Abruzzo vague on the tractor, making melody to the Constitution and sends out the faces in the party. In one corner, the party calling a majority, without a presentable faces, continues to break down indifference.
And I / I ask you: how will it end?

-The news of the day: veltroni to come to Italy is an opportunity; for Africa Veltroni is a narrow escape.

-Quote of the Day: "History always repeats itself twice: first in tragedy, the second into a farce." (K. Marx)