Sunday, March 13, 2011

Taste Of Coins In My Mouth

There is no "try."

I would like to propose an article to The tangy Branca on fashion (Who are they?), But this morning, as usual browsing through the online newspapers, I found an interesting article by Marco Travaglio. What surprise does not deal with alone, the misdeeds of the Sultan of Arcore. The pitiless pen of journalist with aspirations to be guru whip this time, in fact, the world of celluloid. Not because of the boycott by raiset the trailer of "Sivle forever, the unauthorized biography of Silvio Berlusconi" in room (???) from 26 March. This time Labor is responsible for a pearl of our film, the trilogy of "My Friends". Who will soon become tetralogy, if we're lucky, a series if it goes bad. It appears the upcoming theatrical release of "my friends, how it all started," directed by blacks family. What is the eponymous registucolo pecoreccio accustomed to more stringent that infect native with thirty years around the world and compassionate fantozzi sequel, it's really him. And he is always to respond, piqued, the columns of the "Corriere della Sera" to all who have criticized his film, even threatening a boycott of the rooms and jobs for the operation to perish in the bud. "Before you criticize something, you see it", sentenced the filmmaker. As far as I am repeating supercazzola this (just to stay on) when I criticize a movie trailer, a book by its cover, a song who sings it? Often enough to have done several times a step back to try such a thing. I read "Twilight" shortly before it became a social-cultural phenomenon for people fell from the chair at an early age. I went to see "Matrix 2" with the best of intentions, staying in the room when, after the first 20 minutes, the brain whispered to me "I'll wait outside." I tried, really, to find something valuable in excruciating howled Giusy Ferreri and songs from the oratory of the paper mark. Without proof, with all good will, "twilight" has been a crazy saga, venerated only by those who believe that the wachoscky be refined postmodern philosophers and artists, the winners of reality shows in the round. That's why, for several years now, I shrug when I was criticized for "not being able to criticize something without trying it first." It can be all right, and indeed it should. Not for the work itself, but what's behind it. Starting with the intellectual dishonesty. The sequel-prequel to "My Friends", set in Florence in '400, is one example among many, the goal is not in fact pay homage to some of our greatest artists to make do with what is there, but a desperate attempt to fill gaps in the supposed case. The cinepanettoni has recently been conspicuous bleeding viewers, in favor of neo-comedy (CCIA) of zalone, the Albanians of aldogiovanni & James, seemingly more committed. Inevitable that our own producers seek other ideas, with an eye to the past to balance the budget by attracting potential viewer works with pandering, promoted drum beater. Proving not to have learned nothing of the lessons already imparted sound with a sequel to "eccezziunale really" and "the coach in football. People will say, going abroad, look how many sequels and remakes Hollywood produces for the sole purpose of raking money. True. But in America there is also space to David Lynch and John Landis. We arrive in the room only "works from the safe and immediate return on investment." To quote a press release from a couple of years ago, outlining the new guidelines of the distribution. And as long as the works themselves are not unpleasant to the upper floors. Otherwise, make the end of "Agora", "Videocracy" and the same "silvio forever", for distribution limbo to make way for comedians and escaped from the zelig cinefumettoni made in America, that propinano remained a serious gym with brass knuckles and dylan dog aims cowboy. Film to be viewed before being criticized: "can not be shit just because it's so, "many say. Next time I will invite them to emulate Daniele Luttazzi, when he ate with pleasure an asshole, how can they say that sucks, if you have never tried?

- Quote of the Day: "In judging a wine is not necessary to drink the whole barrel." (J. Swift)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism And Cold Sores

The exhibitions on Supergulp in Carpi in a video

Until June 2, 2011 continue to Carpi (MO) linked the two shows on the legendary broadcast Guido De Maria and Giancarlo Governments: "Supergulp! The comic book heroes on TV" Centre Commercial "The Borgogioioso and " The years of Supergulp " at the Multimedia Library" Loria ".
To have a taste, here is the special "Focus" shot at the opening, Saturday, March 5, 2011, with Guido De Maria and Silver, made by TRC Telemodena.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Change Censor To Uncensor

Appointments (im) perdibili

That is not a fan of parties should know, my special hatred for those controlled, during which each of us must do our part to ensure its full success, as well. Because of my natural distrust of "missed" and "traditional", words that leave a miasma of crap transpire directly proportional to the use of the words repeated themselves. In addition to this, more often, have become more wary of who you bend over backwards to promote the event. The omelette becomes complete if for "missed" the speaker of the moment replace "necessary", adding a succession of alleged good reasons why you should not miss, worth downgrading social dell'Euchadé via instant translation. In the list of my crimes against mass hysteria, going from not building up of the Christmas tree in keeping with period stubborn refusal to catapult me \u200b\u200binto the cinema hall to watch enraptured-whore of the moment (and yes, I still consider the avatar most embarrassing films ever, appreciated only by those who would be defeated in a test of intelligence from your ficus benjamin ) you will have to add another year or two charges, one of which was greeted with joy by my colleagues, wrongly convinced that I had finally embraced the cause of the Carroccio. Which, for a moment, reminded me of star wrong. But the moments are ephemeral by their very nature, and no, I find nothing wrong with my decision to live on March 17 as an ordinary day job, rather than go to the streets in playback singing the national anthem for the 150th anniversary of this banana republic. Beyond my total contempt for Italy and for those who live there, the emphasis would be enough Napolitano and the Russian reserve this date, from people so do not accept a recommendation to buy shoes on sale, let alone if they can tell me in that day, I love this unfortunate nation. If true love was, should be part of our life every day, every day, at least annually, rather than be pulled out of the hat at the end of a round figure with puerile ceremonies. As it happens, then, just in a year where there are no bridges at the weekend, with conceivable serious damage to the tourism of our country. In addition to the miasma of emphasis, I feel the stench of empty boxes. F to chile then rediscover and trumpeting the importance and value of the unification of Italy March 17, then supporting federalism League, even the league itself, while the other 364 days a year *. Policy needs and its survival, it will be said by shrugging, but the feeling is that we are both self-convinced that the "policy" is this dirty begging, rather than the noble art in the service of citizens and not the (self-) elected by flock. No coincidence that the most debated point ruby these days is whether or not it was an adult. So much for the context of this sordid affair, but not the real drama. If anything, you hear a lot of people do not even ask whether there is reasonable suspicion or not b. go to hell, corrupt judges and be accompanied by figures to say the least dubious, but see you soon in this game, even justifying it. Especially those who, claiming an unwavering and long-term activism on the left, says that "in his place I would do it too", being serious all the time necessary to say these seven words. Becomes inevitable, then, that each residue can be less of patriotism, faced a fellow like that, represented by a government their peers who in recent days to stay on in tradition, to honor its past with his back to his friend's brother once. It happened with Hitler, recapitalization today with Gaddafi. What many find to be a bloodthirsty dictator, and pays tribute to the harsh words from the always hilarious riservategli Frattini. That many, we are always beaten to rage on the first place, in terms of deception, then, no one can get caught by the nose like the Italians. Who, after having expressed their attachment to the flag at half months, as ordered, will come home in a hurry to pull out of mothballs the summer wardrobe and the now-faded T-shirt with Che Guevara, then scribbling some sign dripping with provocative rhetoric, just in time to return to the streets on May 6, incited by the new secretary of the CGIL. That susanna camusso that, in December, restrained the foaming landini (Secretary of maFiom looking for a comfortable seat parliament, possibly to the left, on the completion) on the grounds with a spectacular strike, "it takes time to organize it, and not we're going to strike against what government ". Chapeau. Now that the political framework remains shaky, but as outlined, you can take to the streets for the rights of workers (conveniently forgotten heroes in the disastrous two-year period), their dignity (ah-ah), compared with the separate contract (said those who do not sign contracts with a center-right government of whatever) and against a Prime Minister who humiliates Italy, away foreign investors. That, understand it, otherwise they would be happy to catapult a country where corruption and crime are part of everyday life especially at the highest levels of political economy, including trade unions, Marchionne is where the new Satan guilty of having endangered the rest of the slackers workshop from which the union, FIOM-CGIL primarily draws with both hands. Not to mention that "the workers' union," as he likes to define itself independently of the distinguishing sign is composed of two-thirds of retirees, according to statistics of 2009. However, hearts buttons civic sense tells me that I can not miss these two events, I want to go through a mica enemy of the fatherland and workers? Not being able to afford to leave the country in a more civilized nation, such as Papua, I think I just have no choice but to boycott both celebrations. Certain "friends" I can easily do without.

-The phrase of the week: "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." (S. Johnson)

* Not to mention the usual menate on April 25, which inevitably hear a few weeks. You should also commemorate the Republicans of salted, in addition to the bloodthirsty partisans? Maybe. In this case, in December I will make an exception to the rule and will commemorate the legionnaires who massacred babies in Bethlehem under the command of Herod. In the end, even they really believed in what they did. And perform only the orders.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hiatal Hernia And Nausea


Episode 3

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Headstone Words For Father

Blue Velvet

ends in an isolated stretch of land, vainly scoured for months. E ', which reappears here Gambirasio Yara, the thirteen-year disappearance from home three months ago, for whose fate they had all prayed. Dead. The epilogue by many feared by others certainly hoped. I return in the first category. And not for the reasons you think. Most will sgam indeed noticed the tiny, cruel bobby (lowercase for your benefit), which shoots up to zero even a little girl whose rotten meat plants are still parents, and rightly so inconsolable. Error. I do not intend to shoot zero on this poor woman who was killed repeatedly. Who has deprived of life, perhaps after having done something, who knows how long. E 'in times like these when I think, if you really need to recover some of our past, we should also consider some effective techniques of medieval entertainment. After clearance of the play (CCIA) of the 80 Italian and the beatification of Alvaro Vitali Edwige Fenech and, it might be time to rediscover the pear English and the Virgin of Nuremberg. Especially for those who have killed each day a little 'more in recent months. And foolish to continue the corpse in the coming weeks. Serial killer Patrick Bateman in comparison of which is schoolgirl. The protagonist of Psycho AMERICN needed because of various objects in order to perpetrate their crimes and the corpses of massacre victims. The serial killers of our house are infinitely more experienced. They just a camera, even a mobile phone equipped with a decent resolution camera. And then, on a trip to Avetrana to be photographed in front of the "garage of horrors." It was there where, during the investigation into the murder is sarah Scazzi, bivouacked scores of TV crews, waiting for scabrous revelations about the possible sexual abuse suffered by the body. People have a right to know, proclaimed the champions of the information. Which is why the always excellent fabrizio corona could be forgiven for having infiltrated, just yesterday, at home Scazzi entering through a window and terrifying the landlady. That, according to the crown, he instead brought in voluntarily, even offering him a cup of coffee. Which one is telling the truth, frankly, I do not know, nor do I think counts for something at this point. Now, I fear, the truth does not even exist anymore. Or rather, there are too many. This is why it is easier to find "the truth" about the murder or disappearance of this the other one. And 'something so elusive, truth. To manipulate, unlike the facts. But what are these facts? A thirteen year-old was killed in a brutal manner. As happens to so many of his peers in the rest of the world that too often go off in the general indifference. As has been lying in the indifference yara for several weeks the fate of missing twins deserved more attention from the cameras. Today, that they are alive or dead does not matter to anyone: there is a fresh corpse to photograph, study, analyze, on which millions of self-certified investigators are debating, deep in their comfy sofas. As of tomorrow, always helped by good newlyweds & Bianchetti (probably foaming with rage, just when they do not find it should stay on the air, that bitch? Is dead for more! Little shit ...),'s Horatio Caine vaccinara to meddle in chemical reagents and slow d ' magnification, virtual means, to bring to justice what the pastor of Brembate has called "the ogre of us." Who knows how he feels, instead, to ring the bells because "Yara has become an angel." I wonder if the play is the same for an elderly person who dies alone, abandoned in a hospital bed where his relatives have downloaded as an appliance obsolete landfill, or just reserve this treatment only their fellow citizens kissed by flashing cameras. The same people who consider the crown connects the shame of the class, but then behave even worse than him, at least be aware of a jackal from peanuts intends only to enrich the skin of others. Yeah, the ogre is among us, just like the cockroaches that crawl under the invisible perfectly maintained lawn at the beginning of Blue Velvet . And it is disconcerting that all be crazy to find out where he hides, this ogre, to find just a moment. Do not believe us?
Take a mirror, and fix it carefully.

-The news of the week: Ratzinger warns doctors not to deceive women on abortion. Here's another who can not stand the competition.

-The phrase of the week: "The fact is most stubborn in the world." (M. Bulgakov)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Blu Ray Upconverting


(cited Kent Brockman)

The term Democracy is a Greek word that means power to the people. You know, the Greeks have always been for humorists. ( cit. Wiki)

- In April 1993, the referendum of party financiers to obtain the consent of 90.3% (no more funding so);
- In December 1993 Parliament updated the law the existing electoral reimbursements, as "a contribution to election expenses," provides for the mandate on the 1994 elections, € 47 million;
- In 1997, introduced the 4 per thousand of voluntary contributions to finance political parties;
- In 1999 he reintroduced the funding of all political parties, which by the 2001 general election are entitled to 193,713,000 €;
- This is the most beautiful, since 2006 the payment is due for the entire term even if the government falls after one year, and when a new government is elected, via another financing for another five years.

quieter, because Italy is a democratic republic founded on work. I think it's really time to change the costituione.

But above all I know that Kent Brockman was right.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Joint Birthday Party Invitation Wording

Since March 5, 2011: Carpi (MO) two exhibitions about comics on TV

Two related exhibitions will be held in Carpi (MO), from March 5 to June 2, 2011, for a single path "Supergulp", the legendary broadcast cartoons on TV Guido De Maria and Giancarlo Governments. The first, "Supergulp! THE HEROES OF COMICS ON TV," opens Saturday, March 5, at 16.30 in the Galleria Shopping Centre "The Borgogioioso" 31 Via Industry in Carpi,
with our GUIDO DE MARIA (director of Supergulp!) and SILVER (Guido Silvestri, author of Lupo Alberto). Screening of funny cartoons on TV Discussed by the authors and popcorn for all.
This is a very unique trip of panels to look at and read in the Galleria Shopping Centre "The Borgogioioso" Carpi, with 250 pictures about the history of all the comics on TV: Nick Carter, Lupo Alberto, Giumbolo, Spiderman, Tex, Alan Ford, Corto Maltese, Asterix, Cocco Bill, Fantastic Four and many others.
The second exhibition, "The years of Supergulp!" is rather an exhibition of original drawings, cels and other working material of the legendary broadcast from 1972 to 1981 that brought the comic book in the Italian TV. at the Exhibition Hall of the Library Multimedia Carpi, Via Rodolfo Pio, within the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Italy. The paint will always be there Saturday, March 5, at 18.30, after that of Borgogioioso, and always with DE MARIA SILVER.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Write A Proposal For A Tv Programme

Recovery 2010 edition

all players,

continue our journey in the history of traditional Tuscan cuisine and traditions. Today we will be in the kitchen of the AC (shy and reserved person who preferred to remain anonymous) to visit a typical dish: the PERFECT PAELLA.

The blog has already talked a lot about this dish features the sensational and digestible nutrients only.

For the more distracted we remember that back in 1811, in preparing the invasion of Russia, Napoleon had really wanted as the official dish of his imperial army. Unfortunately, the famous frozen squid crisis of 1812 did raise the price of this dish, making a meal available only to elite wealthy. The rest is history, but historians believe more titles, the provision of a scope only by the exceptional nutritional value could shift the balance of the time domain.

The plate was dusted off in secret to european 1988 by the Dutch national team. They were brought to the attention of Rinus Michels, the former technician of Orange, three dishes carefully designed and made to combine the best intake of protein, vitamins, iron and carbohydrates, in order to maximize the energy intake and minimize the time absorption in the body. The dishes in question Sangiovannese the stew were then discarded because, while guaranteeing good supply of vitamins and good digestibility, was against the Puritan fringe right-wing Dutch, which did not involve the use of laurel in the preparation of food. So it was a tough fight between the bone hole, and the PERFECT PAELLA, both meet the specifications required by the Dutch coach for his team. The PERFECT PAELLA appeared, however, as he confided after Ruud Gullit, with the ability to be administered within the water bottles at any time during the game.

The following is the detailed preparation of the dish as it Imperial Borghese with frozen squid.

Take a pot bigger than a hand

Thaw fresh fish

Cut all ingredients

Put them in a pot and turn

The dish is ready to be served

Serve as a soup kitchen

match wine in proportion to the importance of your guests

Monday, February 21, 2011

Burning Itching Lower Legs


Once upon a time, around 70, a business growing rapidly. Behind the mask of respectable philanthropist and captain of industry, was hiding a man haunted by the constant search for ever greater power, ready to do anything to get it. For years, his unstoppable lust for conquest was thwarted by those who had chosen to defend the order and justice. A day, during a dramatic political and social crisis, we took the field in the first person who until then had opposed decided to support it, despite being found in the meantime, his dubious past. But the need is known, prosecutor strange bedfellows. How could well witness the protagonist of this story. Which, with a deft sleight of hand, eventually became the most powerful man in the country. Did not take long to impose their view of things: the defenders of the law, which had so long resisted, were labeled as subversive criminals. To the faithful lackey, from the past even more dubious of his assigned tasks prestigious and honorable. To moral scruples replaced the policy of "making" spilling the truth and manipulating it for their own ends, thanks to the indulgence of the media totally subservient. The dissidents were driven, proven wrong, scared. The masses cheered, seeing in him the man of providence. The rest of the political left to do, and could also be a son of a bitch, but it was their son of a bitch. What should have been content with what he had achieved, but content is not part of his nature. After having made secret deals with dictators in other countries and signed agreements with bloodthirsty killers, now overwhelmed by their delusions of omnipotence did as expected and predicted, the longer wheelbase of the leg: I felt the last and most dangerous obstacle to his dark kingdom, invaded Asgard, the city of Scandinavian gods, floating over the skies of Oklahoma for the will of him who had rebuilt the legendary Thor.
"This is enough .."

Confused? I can imagine. For a while, 'I think I even be talking to someone else, instead of Norman Osborn, Spider-Man's historical nemesis. I've often thought about reading, month after month, abli dedicated to the Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man and colorful company. Instead, the protagonist This short biography is just a fictional character. Observe, however, as his life runs parallel to that of "one-to-where-were-thinking" (ohUzala, seem veltroni) is rather disturbing. And the context around costruitogli by Brian Michael Bendis, the architect of the revival in the style concoction Marvel universe. Of course, Russia is not to bite off their arms to the opponents live on television as Venom (not yet, anyway), Dell'Utri is not exactly a personal adviser and the Machiavellian deceptions Lohki god (which, apparently, has never been lowered to lend their talents to the Mafia) Gaddafi and his friend could not even clean the metal of the high gaiters Victor Von Doom, an aspiring global monarch not megalomania, but because "no one else can" ... Nor, thankfully, berlusconi (I told you, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing assimilibalie Walter gave me nausea) has a superhuman destruction mass as the almighty and schizophrenic Sentry. Barbary Unless there is hiding something.
"You have no idea how many gods I killed today?"

Yet so many are the parallels between the New York Land 616 current and Italy that you can not repress a thrill of reading passages "Dark Reign" and "Siege" ... especially those who cease to become parallel and intersecting with our lives everyday. Shudder because, in all likelihood, Bendis did not think the Norman home of drawing the evolution of the story, clearly an indictment against the delusional Bush administration and its obsession with "national security" ( Osborn chorus that sings at every turn). And if the turning point of the story is perfectly represented by the sticker up there, in my discretion the better and more powerful for many years now, one wonders what is still happen because someone finally decides to launch its own shield, metaphorical or otherwise, against the Iron Patriot of our house. Perhaps the answer lies, once again, Bendis. Yeah, because only a presidential act puts an end to the excessive power of Norman. And only a symbol (the original Captain America) is able to destroy the man into the frame now, in turn, the symbol of this world upside down. Not surprisingly, the decisive battle is really between Norman / Iron Patriot and Steve Rogers / Captain America. With the first one that screams the second "end up in the electric chair ... for ... for high treason!" Play everything for anything not to be defeated. Also ready to destroy the entire country, while not losing it.
"Bob, destroy everything! Do not let them win!"

And public opinion? What does it do? What we do: almost nothing. Assists, frightened, the Asgard Siege of live TV. Condemning it instinctively when shocked sent announces "Thor is on the ground" but also praise to Osborn, the only one who has the courage to confront the "false gods" in their home. Ready, in each case, without too much trouble to jump on the bandwagon of the next winner. Yes, I definitely a deja- vu.

-The phrase of the week: "will fall. E 'in its nature. "(Victor Von Doom, Dr. Doom, about Norman Osborn, the new Head of Security of the United States)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shingles On Your Head

Gags (n) or

The Fact Daily, edition January 20, sounded the alarm on the draft guidance note on pluralism, submitted by Alessio Butti, Senator of the PDL, in Parliamentary Committee. The text will be voted on next week by an overwhelming majority and has three major limitations to the Rai, once it is implemented by the Board of Directors: non-overlapping themes for eight days, if Monday Porta a Porta case speaks of Ruby, on Thursday Annozero must deal with another, double-columnist, for example Marco Travaglio contradicted by a second 'writer', two-wire, one with and one against the government.
The title promises much: the act of address pluralism of the Parliamentary Commission for the Supervision of Rai. User manual for the Board of Directors of Viale Mazzini that - remember the lock for a level playing field? - Can interpret in his own way. The deputy Alessio Butti, leader of the PDL in Supervision, yesterday presented its draft. A poster in a few paragraphs, to say: we, the government majority, so we see the public service. Or rather, provides: "To ensure the originality of the schedules should, in general - it says - that the prevailing themes treated by a program are subject to the further development of other programs, including other networks, at least over eight days following their broadcast. "
Translated: if Monday Door to Door (Raiuno), in his style, he speaks Ruby and revels in Arcore, Ballarò (Raitre) on Tuesday and Annozero (Raidue) on Thursday should be silent. But if the thought is unique, the conductor is double. Why Butti imagine two "journalists from different cultural backgrounds" (what kind?) To moderate a debate in the studio: "Rai has to study and experiment." Gianluigi comparison (the last word) rejects the idea: "Wrong. There is a risk that the talk-show is not monopolized by the conductors and that creates confusion. " And the themes do not overlap is ironic: "I'm going to be broadcast on Friday is only the advance of Sunday sports." Lucia Annunziata (within half an hour) smell off: "They're coming elections. And why is preparing to suspend the information. " And there's a second clue, revealed last week by Made Daily, the Director-General Masi froze the listings ranging from March to June, just in brackets useful for the vote.
But the debate in Supervision, in the deserted classroom, could not miss the argument Annozero, editorial Marco Travaglio and contradictory. Butterfield has not forgotten, and broke it included in its report that, only a couple of weeks, will be voted in the committee chaired by Sergio Zavoli and then implemented by the Board of Viale Mazzini, "When the transmission requires the intervention of a columnist in support of a thesis, it is also essential to ensure adequate space for the representation of other cultural sensitivities. " The text of the Democratic Party, rapporteur Fabrizio Morri, is (much) softer and is only a reference to Augustus Minzolini: "The directors and a test should be avoided to represent their own personal judgments or assessments which are not based on the utmost impartiality and objectivity. "
Yesterday Rai and its politicians were busy arguing with Giovanni Floris, unlike usual, did not live past the phone call from Silvio Berlusconi, but he invited into the studio for Tuesday Next on Ruby and investigations of Milan prosecutors. The accusation came from the most significant advisor to PDL share in Viale Mazzini, indeed loyal to the prime minister, Antonio Verro: "It is intolerable that the host of a program of public service be allowed to decide not to broadcast the call of the President of Council. It has run Floris defended citing precedents, or long and uncontrollable actions without answering the questions: "We thought it best to do so, seeing as it had happened the last time I called, and since last Sunday we had invited to participate in yesterday's episode. On Tuesday will come Ballarò to confront ourselves and others. "

(from the daily act of January 20, 2011)

-The phrase of the week: "In a country where openly kingdoms doctrine of the sovereignty of the people of the complaint is not only a danger but also a great absurdity. " (A. de Tocqueville)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Haw Do You Know For Fishing

Step 5

happens, although rarely, to exchange chat with colleagues are outside the Soccer from alcohol and pussy. So you end up talking about current affairs, or trying to do with the few available means of the average-low. What is informed only by television and, therefore, considers me a kind of bottomless pit of culture and knowledge. The Italian takes the view that CRT is not so outrageous whoring. No matter if you're the chairman of the board, or for a single soffocotto (indeed, for having denied its existence) Bill Clinton was played at the time the U.S. presidency, and was haunted day and night by the media and prosecutor Kenneth Starr . From this starting point is passed, almost obligatorily, to talk about the precarious health of our media, we can define "phase two" disgusting RAI, Mediaset, which sucks, what do I pay the fee (the question actually should be: "why still watch television, if everything makes you sick?") and so on. Soon, without even realizing it, you enter phase 3, or who is the servant of the realm. Inevitable as the rate of insurance, the other party answers "Emilio Fede". Until some time ago I shared, being too obvious about it. For some months now, however, I slightly revised my opinion, re-evaluating emilio. True, it is biased, vulgar, vulgar, and define its news is a blasphemy. It is also true, however, that faith, nomen omen , nurtures a blind faith in his master (never was more appropriate term, "employer" does not do so well the idea). Therefore, in the general confusion, from the ferry the other party 3 "phase 4": the end is worse, in terms of vassalage, that sub-genre that defends the human host (see previous parenthesis) is not out of devotion, but for personal gain . Various Minzolini (anonymous writer of "printing" became a director of TG1 after a series of interviews in the knee to the greasy lord), Daniel Garner (better known as Santanche, surname who refuses to return to her husband from whom she divorced because known jet-set), Capezzone (man with the syllable in the name, inserted on purpose to divert suspicion) and friends are infinitely worse by the Director of TG4. Why not have faith, not only in personal terms, but to the highest bidder. Terrified of returning to nothingness as previously, are fighting hard to save the sinking ship, but we do not doubt: when silvio disappear, they will find others who sell their services. There are whores and worse ruby \u200b\u200bheartthrob Patrick D'Addario, nor prostitution is carried out in the only sexual act. A concept that not everyone has yet made. As probably will not admit the newborn "phase 5", flowing from a seemingly trivial question: can be worse than Minzolini, Daniel Garner, Mauro Masi and menagerie next? Yes, if you deign to answer, ask Roberto Saviano. That yesterday, during a demonstration to demand the resignation of the Milanese premier, takes the stage received a standing ovation to blather of justice, legality, decency, and other hackneyed platitudes like that so much of its audience from pasionaria parlor. Cattle that cheering when our proudly declared, during the sopravvalutatissima "Come away with me", he never had a home in Antigua, we are very careful not to point out to him that the salary was passing him just what to Home Antigua has it. The same that every other day and the other well, accusing him of damaging the public image of Italy with its "Gomorrah." Saviano is considered, by common vulgata, a hero for exposing the malaffari of Casale, exposing them to the unfriendly attention while bringing to public attention a phenomenon all too ignored in favor of the more picturesque mafia. "Sad that country that needs heroes," someone said, even more sad if the heroes are jocks on MTV with the air of beautiful and damned, millantanti a straight back and courage possessed only in words, with one hand pointing the finger at the immorality and indecency, with the other grabbing the substantial benefits bestowed by those who, of that malpractice, is the leading exponent. The shields are raised, "Saviano is right to publish with Mondadori, silvio damage from the inside, and then Mondadori is still the largest Italian publishing house, and his message so he can reach more people." True. Since he acquired Einaudi and Sperling, even more. Too bad that when stupid argument was supported by D'Alema, you crucified for connivance with the enemy. Index of the double standard that remains the biggest and most catastrophic problem in this country, and thinking that Berlusconi's fascist-that "we are good regardless of their bad and as such all we are allowed." Even realizing the conflict of interest of our editor after publishing for twenty years with him, or declare, remained serious, but remain in the catalog Einaudi is a form of resistance. Orwellian Newspeak, "the subjection and resistance." Congratulations to Wu Ming, Lucas and all the other exponents of this thought haunted and haunting. Congratulations, especially to Saviano, the hero of our times with a poker face impervious to criticism, of double standards interchangeably as needed and, more recently, the ability to finally abandon its biggest detractor for more consistent shores. But just at sunset of the empire, and after signing the contract for the next book with Feltrinelli. Even the incredible coincidence can be a superpower.

-The news of the week: trouble calls on the league to return to their origins. Like it's easy to find shelter in caves and woods from which to derive clubs.

-The phrase of the week: "Italians are divided into two main groups: those who work for Berlusconi and those who do it." (From an article in the New York Times)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

List Fha Approved Properties

kitchen in Chronicle Short-WIP

parodi blessed I met many years ago when in a past life I worked for Tele + disappeared with her husband, Fabio Caressa. I had seemed like a shy girl, kind and nothing foreshadowed its current transformation suicide bombers in the fricassee. I am quite an impression see the piles of cookbooks at its hypermarkets, browsed with interest from older housewives who should already know all about sauces and dishes and instead greedily drinking from the source of culinary skill of blessed. Just because the brand has a cathode-ray Italy. It is often said that "if there is something wrong with television." Today you could create a gloss to this by now banal statement: "One thing is not edible unless it goes on television." Channels drip with cooks, chefs and dishwashers, all authors of at least a compilation of recipes. At one time, the kitchen television was more selected. There were eagles Vincenzo Buonassisi, the first to carry the rings on TV. But they were noble stove, put awe. Only with the advent of Wilma De Angelis Telemenù cuisine found his folksy look. And Wilma now has more than one reason to boil when it comes to the new princesses of the ladle that do not recognize the role of queen mother. Outside of television, the recipe had only one signature, that of Lisa Biondi. Only years after it was learned that Mrs. Lisa Biondi has never existed, was a name that hid a group of experts, wu ming's almost a stir-fry. Petronilla not even exist. The cooking expert who wrote "La Domenica del Corriere" in the 40's was actually called Amalia Moretti Foggia and cured several sections with as many pseudonyms. I discover from entries Petronilla, an interesting biography of Foggia written by Robert Schira and Alessandra De Vizzi, just published by Bloomsbury. I do not know why, but I have two old volumes which contain recipes Petronilla. They are a fascinating read because every recipe, as well as being geared to saving, reuse of waste and self-sufficiency typical of the times, is introduced and concluded by scenes of family life of the wily Petronilla. Leafing through a hypermarket in the latest effort of parody I've seen that this literary trick is back. Nothing wrong with that. Manzoni was also copied to Sir Walter Scott. But I must admit, with all the affection that the Adventures of Fabio Caressa at the supermarket do not have the thrill of sudden appearances of the fat sister Petronilla. Another difference I noted is in the indication of quantity, we are really about the universe. Petronilla as guidance to the gram. And when, in another of my professional incarnation, I worked as an editor for encyclopedias issues of De Agostini, remember that if a recipe said to cut the mozzarella slices, from Novara came the question: "How thick must have the slices? ". blessed parodi applies instead neglect of weights and measures and uses a patched-decimal. But it struck me the most is declared the banality of the recipes. If a person buys a cookbook is to learn to bake pies and lasagne multi worthy of the Queen of Sheba. Opening at random the book of blessed I found the recipe for toast: "Take the sliced \u200b\u200bbread, ham and cheese slices." The next step will be the recipe for hot water. But everything falls into that renaissance of the banal in glory in our day. Who puts into practice the recipes of parody is the same individual who considers the vertices of the literature novels fabio flight milestones in the music and songs of negramaro pillars of the cinema of Silvio Muccino filmucci. Only those who consider a classical pianist Giovanni Allevi can arrange a dinner with recipes parodi. I must However, a confession: blessed advised to wrap the bottom of the toast in aluminum foil to prevent dripping of the melted cheese slices in the toaster. I followed the advice. I found a burnt toast and ham on below. I have eaten anyway, thinking that if these are the results of parody in the kitchen, it is logical that Fabio Caressa consolation in poker circles.

(Article taken from Thomas Labranca Film TV # 4 of January 2011, the copyright owners. Tiny names, where present, my.)

-The news of the week: Roberto Saviano will publish his next book with Feltrinelli. Where the dignity he could, he managed the disposition of spoiled child.

-Quote of the Day: "The cuisine of a people is the only, exact proof of its civilization." (Anonymous)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wethepeople Bmx Zodiac Price

No, I'm gone. Nor have I forgotten the blog. True, in these last two months I have reviewed and reconsidered the priorities to be mine, but if this space is relatively neglected is the lack of time, certainly not of interest. The lack of time which has also affected negatively, on my literary output. You can safely say that at the time, the novels on which they are all still working, a long-term needs of the corresponding time and mental space to be written at best, modestly always pursue that goal (which then has centered every time is a different matter, and that 99 times out of 100 that makes me shit I write is far from completely coat). Otherwise, if I had to fill the sheets with the first crap that comes to my mind, took the worst of the worst kind of media, Licia Troisi ... and I certainly do not have to like her indisputable talent for authorship can hope to be published by Mondadori. Fortunately. Thus, having to make a virtue of necessity, I started to experiment with narrative form best suited to current needs, or the short story. A useful exercise, even to sharpen the skills of synthesis that I often missing, and to experiment with different styles, less direct but equally effective.
Currently I have a birth "successful" and two other babies in the womb:

- "Chat" is the youngest of the house Pedersen, is in some ways the most autobiographical thing I've ever written, and as the title suggests, offers itself as a classic tale of epistolary form suitable for the twenty-first century. The narrative structure "in first person "I have always been congenial, but one where the story progresses in a variety of viewpoints tickles me even more. Just a few days ago I finished "The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg (thanks to my husband for making me discover this gem, which I recommend highly), a perfect example of a story whose narration progresses scanned from multiple points of view, often in conflict with each other in my small way, I tried something similar with "The Yellow Palace", contained in "Tales from the Margin." Try the experiment, adjusting to the most current forms of communication (and increasing, thus, the disorientation of player, who has the final say on the matter) was a necessary step. The result? Appreciated by those who read it, but I still have a little something to fix it.

- "Pamplona" is the second story of the triad, there had already been mentioned, and is becoming a figment of equine proportions. The basic idea is that, despite many fine words, the inherent violence of our nature will not wait more than an opportunity to explode. Even better if wrapped in a noble cause (noble to those who support it, of course). If someone gave us the opportunity to rid completely, or almost no effect, the inhibitions (self-) imposed by the so-called "civilization" just skip it altogether. At first it all seemed weak in terms of credibility, the presentation of a book months ago and I attended the reading of "The Night of the Drive In" Lansdale made me think again. After a false start, I think I on the right track. Now I just have to find the momentum to cross the finish line, it's there, in sight, not even a hundred yards. If only I could tear myself away from this point to rest ...

-close with "Grandma" ... and I would not be completely honest if I said that a new idea. The application starting point is: the Black Man, the infamous bogeyman that grandparents and parents used to convince us to eat the fat of the ham, is still afraid? What really scares the younger generation? And above all, because the Black Man have to be this bad? Recent ideas, born of a playful conversation, which made the proverbial light bulb, triggering a chain of associations of ideas which led to a plunge in the past. Come up before, in fact, two of my very old stories that dealt with child abuse and that, like all my very old stories, they needed a good coat of paint (which is why I say that, although the fresh ideas of the day, the idea how to develop all is not: the carbon dating confirms that goes back 22 years ago). In this case, though, I thought to jot down a couple of partitions, so as to make "Clarence" and "The Drawer" one. The title comes straight from the latter, as most of the atmosphere. For the record, "Grandma" is my first story, albeit from a single plot, it has developed in two different ways: a purely fabulous, the other much more explicit. Eventually took over the first, I would like Rendel as possible is also suitable for readers 0-12, I do not ever Having experimented with a real fairy tale "dark" suitable for all ages. Of course, there was "The Princess in the crystal" ... but I doubt that would be appreciated big & small. What will combine with this new attempt we'll know after the fact. As always, you will be informed promptly of the results. Well, almost.

-The news of the day: ruby \u200b\u200bhas never taken five million euro by Berlusconi. Imagine if a kind of satisfied with the minimum rate.

-Quote of the Day: "The party has no moral poverty." (E. Biagi)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Adjust Radiator Heat In Apartment

a severe case

Dear friends and readers,
first relax now, the picture is either a full philosophy and has nothing to do with Mediaset the topic of the post. After carefully studying the marketing strategy of the company Confalonieri I decided to imitate to revive the fortunes of this blog.

Then, we have a problem.
E 'perhaps the economic crisis? No, even if it does not help.
E 'perhaps the Euribor, which grows by increasing the rates of our mortgage? No, I do not know.
E 'perhaps a Moroccan teenager who kneels to the Premier, after that for years had tried eminent exponents of the progressive forces (except Max, he has never really tried)? Maybe, but there's more. Whether it's a football
sick? No, this is off topic.

The problem is us. The country in which we have always lived and that will make us of the eternal province. People who have not seen the world and you do not know how to compare, because they have always had a range of people with which to measure very small. A few ideas and confused (classic commentary on a "just enough" on a topic of high school), all dressed alike because we buy what we put him in the same shops. Same premises to be attended by sixteen years of age until death do us separates (so much is that someone goes to the dance in the wedding day).
But at least leave the football to see the same players we had seen us begin to become aware of time passing?

There is a bit 'of irony, and a lot of controversy. Enough of this history that we are not superficial and that we love. We just do not see ..

Ps For those who do not have understood this blog is the blog controversy section because "if you're looking for a place to yell" accuse us of being sad, superficial and not to speak. Tell us who you are, so we judge ourselves. E 'pure level playing field.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Happend To Fakku November 2010


a couple of years are registered with the Partisans, the National Association of Italian partisans, which keeps alive the traditions and ideals of the fight against fascism, therefore, accept among its members and supporters only those who are openly and deeply Fascism. This year I decided not to renew the card. Reason: I am not sure that it is not fascist. This statement came out of my jet yesterday, during a pleasant conversation, and has created some confusion. A first for me. Feeling somewhat fascist was something I did not expect, let alone admit so innocent lightness. Better reason above, I understand what I meant (yes, sometimes I think, my sudden thoughts). Top of fact to believe there is some confusion about what the term "fascism". Dictionary in hand, and excluding those relating to the political system governed by the lord above, the third definition of "fascism" states that "ideology, movement, authoritarian or reactionary political attitude." So no, I tend to make the salute to the cheering leader nor do I dress up with Celtic crosses and tees with males having a hankering for motets motto. This is the version of the popular national fascist to which we were accustomed to, due to flocks of perolpiù biNbiminKia rimpiangenti shaved head with things that do not know. Luckily for them, if still there today and very much relied on that regime, probably would have already been bludgeoned mercilessly and fed castor oil for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. With frequent snacks. We are always inclined to bring out ideas and lifestyles that we know only in the abstract. And we tend to congregate with those who have our own worldview. They say it is a natural condition of man, the need to meet and share ideas. Until recently, the aggregation and sharing, however, also joined the "confrontation" in the sense of listening to the reasons for the party and substantive complaint further rebuttal. But today I have a feeling that those who desire to compete seriously without prepackaged ideologies and cooked by others, a species that is extinction. And, therefore, that fascism has not won as a political system, but as mindset. In a climate where you feel surrounded, you reply to the enemy with his own blunt weapons, placed on trial unlikely explanations peppered with rhetoric. "Freedom, dignity, equality, rights" and other amenities to be comic, but easy to proclaim that no one would really applied in practice. So when a bunch of thugs in rags and Kefia on display to the streets to protest against the university reform, destroying whatever he happens to throw, you have to understand: who is the only way to be heard (assuming are not agents to sabotage the event, because we are all bellibravicivili by definition. Do not believe me? Fascist.). And when it is their equivalent with shaved head and "black facet to his lips"? To condemn and punish, because they are wrong regardless. Try to point out that the imposition of their ideas by any means, even violence, and repression of all that is unwelcome, is exactly the opposite modus operandi of fascism, leads automatically to be branded as fascists. Because we're the good guys and we're right, who is not with us is against us and must be destroyed. In this climate of permanent stage, where social change colors and slogans, but not the mentality that drives them, there is no room for objective analysis and compromise. You're either with grillotravagliodipietro, or you're with berlusconibersanicasini. Either you are with the Fiom, or you're with Marchionne. You're either for freedom at all times, or you're a fascist. But freedom, if mishandled, becomes negligence. And fascism is not necessarily black is white, red or any color you deny the slightest tinge, becoming only color available. Painting the world of one color. And if you do not like that color ... prepared for the worst.

-The news of the week: Landini, FIOM secretary, urges the Democratic Party to take a clear position against the fiat. He has not noticed that Bersani is leaning on his desk for months.

-The phrase of the week: "Nobody says that the real anti-fascism consists in principle by tantrum, that is to deny a priori that in any school of thought there is something right or something use to search for the right. (O. Fallaci) "

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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American concept of decency

The legs in the picture, held together by a chain to dangerous detainees and covered with a heavy pair of pants, are those of Joseph McVay, a 10 year old child who killed his mother with a gunshot to the head. For light, it seems: it would have been asked to go to collect firewood. Joseph is no stranger to outbursts. In 2007 he hit the director of elementary school with a spatula and for this reason had been transferred to an institution for children with behavior problems. Even if the neighbors do not describe him as a bad boy you ask him how to let the availability of a weapon. More than one, actually. In his bedroom, In fact, the police found, as well as the murder weapon, a shotgun and 12 gauge, in a rack on the wall, two 22-caliber rifles. Moreover, the rifle with which Joseph killed his mother had been given by his grandfather, now deceased. Deborah, the mother was not an eccentric person. The eldest son called it a very loving woman, working as a managed health care center and taught disabled children. So what? What went wrong?

The feeling is that America just does not work. It makes monsters of its citizens and then destroys them. With all the inconsistencies that men are capable of. There to get a beer but it takes 21 years weapons are freed prisoners. Now is not that so often makes the headlines, a boy enters the classroom and shot classmates and teachers. Is immediately mobilized a team of psychologists to treat injuries to the people involved but to revise the laws on the free purchase and possession of weapons will not speak. Some people have tried but there is now silenced not only by the gun lobby but also by the public for which the Second Amendment is intangible and possession of weapons is part of individual rights. Indeed, the tendency is to further strengthen this law and when, in June 2008, a Supreme Court went a step further in that direction, the Americans I appreciate so much the direction of the Board that a leap in popularity grew to seven points. This exercise of individual right to violence, even in self-defense, is not considered to be so deeply rooted in conflict with Christian teaching of which Americans see themselves as the best companies. There are churches that come to organize the 'Open Carry celebration, a unique event during which all the faithful are invited to come to the church service carrying a gun in his pocket. After the sermon follows the buffet and the lottery is giving away guns, rifles and video courses on the use of arms. "I see no contradiction between having weapons and being a Christian - said Ken Pagano, pastor of New Bethel Church of Louisville - God and guns are part of the history of this country ... The right to own weapons is not forbidden by the Bible nor is it unconstitutional. Not all Christians actually have to be pacifists. "

Then when the right to private violence becomes violent shaking, especially the most vulnerable to mental structure, by education or age, then it does not take a collective solidarity, the recovery action, but the public vengeance. Children are the first victims of this perverse mechanism. The American justice system is barely aware of their peculiarities, the Family Court are something other than juvenile courts, and even today in the U.S. in many cases are judged by the juvenile courts for adults. The United States, in good company of Somalia are the only country that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN in 1989. Indeed in that year the Supreme Court stated that it was acceptable to the execution of criminals of 16/17 years, stating that international standards were irrelevant and that what really mattered was the "American ... conception of decency." On the same day always the same Court to determine the eligibility of the death penalty for mentally retarded defendants. Since then there has been a timid approach to the principles of juvenile criminal law brought forward by the "Western industrialized countries" to mitigate the international isolation that sees the United States the only democracy to enable the "juvenile death penalty" in the words of a Supreme Court Justice. But the distances are still abysmal. Currently 24 EU states allow the execution of juvenile offenders. The twenty-first century began with the execution of three young 17 year olds at the time of the crime and they are still held eighty juvenile offenders awaiting execution.

The exasperated statement of freedom individual muscle and justice in America are the two sides of one coin. The man who builds and defends itself by itself is also the man who despises those who fail to realize this project of self-affirmation. The American is not a cohesive society and what is not in contradiction to his profession of Christianity. Because in the end the Americans and the Calvinist ethic of success as an outward sign of predestination to salvation. So those who go bankrupt he does not deserve help bringing the contempt for God even before that of men. Then it goes without saying that rampant individualism brings unbridled selfishness which is fully realized in the most sinister market economy. In our collective imagination after the war the Americans are the ones who were opposed to the German raids, are throwing chocolate to the kids, are those of the Marshall Plan, who handed out flour, margarine, milk powder and clothes. So it is hard to believe deeply selfish soul of this people, but it's true (or at least, is increasingly the case). The Americans when they invite you to the restaurant but do not offer everybody pays for himself. The Americans are the ones who have fiercely opposed health care reform desired by Obama, was approved by a thousand compromises, and are now determined to be repealed.

This is not to say that the American people is the most selfish and ruthless in the world. Everywhere we find examples that make one shiver. If the way we treat children is the litmus test of the moral sense of a company (to make up for a finding of Bonhoeffer), then we find examples of much more gruesome. In Africa, children are expelled and even killed if you think that will bring bad luck, being kidnapped to make militia killers. The students of the madrassas in Pakistan are very diligent beaten to death in Iran, the child who steals a piece of candy you see the amputated hand or crush under the wheels of a truck. But the United States are those that are considered the first democracy in the world and make it a model of export. However they still retain the death penalty, even for minors. And while they see the welfare state as smoke and mirrors they have no problem to save taxpayer money with those same banks that bump in the road who can not pay the mortgage of the house. But if Athens

cries Sparta does not laugh. We Europeans are rude to the American model because we come from different historical developments. The United States, strictly speaking, not even the home of capitalism that was born in England, namely in Europe. A ruthless capitalism, with no protection for workers, so well described in the social novels of Dickens. But Europe has had to deal with the Marxist idea, first, and then with a communist revolution in front of the door. The fear of ending up revolutionary wave swept the ruling class reacted first with the introduction of shy pension reforms aimed at specific categories and, in extreme situations, opening the repression of various nazionalfascismi. Then, with the failure of these schemes, introducing the welfare state that mitigates the distortions of the market economy with redistributive policies in welfare, health and education in the universal sense, that is no longer directed to certain categories but as citizenship rights. This step, which ensured greater social justice in Europe, has not happened in the United States because less exposed to the sirens of Marxist theories quite distant both geographically and culturally from the American reality. But for years now that this is changing as well in Europe. The collapse of communist regimes, well represented by the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the distortions in terms of sustainability of social protection systems are leading to a rethinking of policies welfare, which in fact is taking shape in a gradual dismantling . The watchword is privatization: public services and even goods such as water unavailable. Commending the market economy on public services, the center-left governments and even more to the center are introducing a distortion in the opposite direction and even more serious than that caused by the policies of welfare . In fact, the process of privatization of services is not limited to exclude them from a settlement of costs with public funds but introduces the element of profit, however, maximized thanks to collusion with the political administrative sphere. Western countries are gradually falling into a market economy without rules and safeguards for the citizen and the consumer, with a move away from their social class and centralization of wealth in the hands of a few as not occurred since the nineteenth century . Currunt Mala tempora!

Justice is closely related to social justice in the courts. The adaptation of codes and the judgments of the courts inevitably reflect the social context. Our judicial system has its historical contradictions that leave live poor prosecution of crimes with a medieval prison system, not at all aimed at the recovery of the prisoner. If we add to these contradictions are those that are ushering in the body in terms antisolidaristici social justice-and, we expect a hardening of interpersonal relationships and, subsequently, the rules governing them. Perhaps we will never see a child in chains while being brought before the courts, perhaps even an adult, because these practices are too far away from our sensitivity, our "conception of decency", although the sensitivity may change as circumstances change. But beyond the forms is the change of content that we expect to see and fear. After two centuries of growth, western societies are in obvious decline compared to the emerging economies of the Far East. It should also hurt the clash of civilization against the world of Islamic culture. The peaceful people of the West will not accept this inevitable decline, and each will defend itself in its own way. The American is a violent society and there a resurgence of physical violence at every level we expect, also institutional. Illustrated by the attack yesterday against Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, seriously wounded by a deranged gunman in the black list, and the leader of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, outstanding for verbal violence with which his team led the recent campaign. Here are the two arms together easy and intolerance exasperated that turns your opponents into enemies. Hatred and bigotry are pushing for special laws and make them plausible. McCarthyism taught. That European civilization is more constrained in this respect. Some point to the analogy that exists between our time and what preceded the rise of fascism: social injustice, restlessness the impoverished classes, the desire to defend at all costs privileges acquired, the ineptitude and corruption of the political class, the desire to gag the freedom of information. This can not be denied. But it is also true that then you gave credit to the doctrines of race, was seen in the war a legitimate instrument to resolve disputes, to improve the "living space" to expand their civilization. Then there was the European Union. All this involves major constraints, both cultural and legal. Therefore, what awaits me is yes I an increase in violence, especially in the interpersonal, which is inevitable with the increase injustice and the impoverishment of the social context, but in the institutional context that violence, but would be effective, will result in a barbarism even more than the content of the forms, we no longer bound to the codes and international treaties. It has recently been asked Lucio Caracciolo, editor of Limes , if it believed that Putin's Russia is formally a democracy, I can get over time, in terms of freedom and human rights, standards of Western democracies. His response was: "Given the blowing wind, unfortunately I fear that we will come closer to the standards of Russia."

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gray balls

Last Wednesday the scythe of the Black Lady is inside my house, claiming the life of one of my family. A death foretold, but no less heartbreaking. I thought the screams of despair, the ones that leave you shaking and cyanotic and seem to never having run out, they were exaggerations desk study to make the vulgar sensationalism. Now I know that is not so ... not always, at least. And as far as you can prepare in the abstract, never ready when you need to make certain decisions when they arrive at certain times. You can think of, hoping that he acted for the best, and that the "yes" rattle through her tears was a last gesture of love and not an assassination, as detractors like to say euthanasia catholic (side note: interesting how In recent days, the Vatican-ano and associated baciapile are giving themselves so much to do to end religious persecution, specifying all the time "against of Christians. " How to say Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists can / should be mallets ad libitum. End side note). Such choices do not cancel the "I should-have-wanted 'present' only 'an end to untold suffering. It was not easy to decide, accept the necessity of the "yes". But there was nothing else to do. So, after fifteen years, I gave one last time to say good night my little brother, while the veterinarian to sleep. Wherever it is now, I am sure that my reference to deity have good care, nor shall always be an overflowing bowl of his favorite jelly, long daily walks and a comfortable and warm bed. You know how: Uzala, Cthulhu, and Odin is far from the Christian mentality, which denies the soul in these creatures, with all its consequences, including access to paradise. After all, according to our superior breed, dogs, cats and other animals are just "lesser beings". Obviously, we never focused enough to look into their eyes. When it happened, we bowed our own, embarrassed to see the reflection of our inadequacy, unable to support the view of who can give plenty of love without asking for anything but a minimum of affection and attention. In comparison with them, they go out with irreparably broken bones. Therefore logical that in the end has the feeling that certain laws are seemingly draconian, actually make sense, but poorly addressed. Like the one that imposes a couple of years here, the sterilization of dogs adopted from a shelter. The aim is to reduce the number of strays on the streets, preventing other unfortunate orphans end up in cages of a few square meters waiting for someone willing to give, or give, their home. Initially it made me arch an eyebrow and turn up their noses; why should I have absolutely sterilize my best friend? Is there really no other solution? Speaking to the volunteers of the shelter of Legnano, it seems no, since, on a regular basis, we have small families and little people at their door with boxes packed with puppies, it seems that most of those who adopt a dog does not know how they reproduce. And when the bang happens, you get rid of everything, including litter and parents, with an "oops" and a shrug. Just as you get rid of bulky items and unwanted now. As the Beagle puppy, reported in its kennel owner yesterday. Not because of a sudden and unwanted pregnancy, but because "pees, bites the furniture, barks, he wants to play all the time." A dog that acts like a dog, horror and disgust. Perhaps the poor victim of this evil on all fours was convinced that they were all good, beautiful and obedient as the Commissioner Rex. Or simply looking for an ornament shaped like a dog and have given a wrong address. Certainly has not been minimally disturbed by low ears, tail between their legs, humiliated by the look of the puppy. Disconsolate not because of having to go back in a cage a few feet and affection of volunteers, after six months spent in chewing the fake cheerfulness Manolo Blahnik of his former owner. I think the reason for such discomfort is not the understand why he should return to that life. What he had done so wrong? Because his master had failed to understand, to love the same as she did? Questions whose answers are all the haughty look of the beast, exit just minutes after downloading the package side of the kennel office adoptions, in its obvious lack of something that seem to mind. I looked at her, and now I think back to what they told the volunteers show up like that bounce the best friends you could ever hope to have because "the child is born to us, we did not notice that she became pregnant, barking - mordelegambedeltavolo-dirty. " Or even worse, "we are tired of having a dog". I thought and thought about all this, and finally convinced me that yes, it's just sterilize the animals that come out of kennels. We must do so as soon as they step out of the gate, with a rusty pair of scissors, the tip rounded and not sharp. Just because they might have on their own miserable skin, a tenth of the suffering they inflict on those creatures that deal and give up like they were toys. I think the best way to teach them something, hoping to touch a soul they are lacking with gestures and words is zero. So much is sterilization. But instead of the poor innocent animals, somministriamola beasts who deserve it really, whose bastard offspring will be a thousand times more harmful than all fours. Merits of the opposable thumb.

-Link of the Week: Looking for someone who loves you and do not really try to kill you for your inheritance, go here: or any other similar structure.

-The phrase of the week: "If we receive a dog on its last legs and you feed him, do not bite you. That's the main difference between a dog and a man. "(M. Twain)